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15.53C9.38783 15.6625 9.19978 15.7346 9.00548 15.7312C8.81118 15.7277 8.6258 15.649 8.48838 15.5116C8.35097 15.3742 8.27226 15.1888 8.26883 14.9945C8.2654 14.8002 8.33752 14.6122 8.47 14.47L10.94 12L8.47 9.53C8.33752 9.38783 8.2654 9.19978 8.26883 9.00548C8.27226 8.81118 8.35097 8.62579 8.48838 8.48838C8.6258 8.35097 8.81118 8.27225 9.00548 8.26882C9.19978 8.2654 9.38783 8.33752 9.53 8.47L12 10.94L14.47 8.47C14.6122 8.33752 14.8002 8.2654 14.9945 8.26882C15.1888 8.27225 15.3742 8.35097 15.5116 8.48838C15.649 8.62579 15.7278 8.81118 15.7312 9.00548C15.7346 9.19978 15.6625 9.38783 15.53 9.53L13.0605 12L15.53 14.47Z12:T60b,M69.36 22.15a4.33 4.33 0 1 0 4.35 4.33 4.27 4.27 0 0 0-4.35-4.33Zm0 7a2.63 2.63 0 1 1 2.45-2.63 2.51 2.51 0 0 1-2.45 2.59Zm-9.48-7a4.33 4.33 0 1 0 4.35 4.33 4.27 4.27 0 0 0-4.35-4.33Zm0 7a2.63 2.63 0 1 1 2.45-2.63 2.51 2.51 0 0 1-2.45 2.59ZM48.6 23.48v1.84H53a3.87 3.87 0 0 1-1 2.31A4.5 4.5 0 0 1 48.6 29a4.89 4.89 0 0 1 0-9.77 4.7 4.7 0 0 1 3.32 1.31l1.29-1.3a6.41 6.41 0 0 0-4.61-1.85 6.73 6.73 0 1 0 0 13.45 6.15 6.15 0 0 0 4.69-1.89 6 6 0 0 0 1.59-4.29 6.55 6.55 0 0 0-.09-1.15Zm46.13 1.43A4 4 0 0 0 91 22.15a4.12 4.12 0 0 0-4.08 4.33 4.24 4.24 0 0 0 4.3 4.33 4.31 4.31 0 0 0 3.61-1.92l-1.48-1a2.47 2.47 0 0 1-2.13 1.2 2.2 2.2 0 0 1-2.1-1.32l5.79-2.39Zm-5.9 1.44a2.38 2.38 0 0 1 2.26-2.53 1.7 1.7 0 0 1 1.61.92Zm-4.71 4.2H86V17.82h-1.9ZM81 23.12h-.06a3 3 0 0 0-2.28-1 4.33 4.33 0 0 0 0 8.66 3 3 0 0 0 2.28-1H81v.62c0 1.66-.88 2.54-2.31 2.54a2.38 2.38 0 0 1-2.18-1.54l-1.66.69a4.13 4.13 0 0 0 3.84 2.56c2.23 0 4.12-1.31 4.12-4.51v-7.73H81Zm-2.18 6a2.63 2.63 0 0 1 0-5.25 2.43 2.43 0 0 1 2.31 2.64 2.42 2.42 0 0 1-2.31 2.6Zm24.82-11.29h-4.55v12.72H101v-4.82h2.65a4 4 0 1 0 0-7.91Zm0 6.13H101v-4.37h2.7a2.18 2.18 0 1 1 0 4.36Zm11.74-1.82a3.56 3.56 0 0 0-3.38 1.94l1.69.7a2.05 2.05 0 0 1 3.73.7v.13a4.27 4.27 0 0 0-2-.49c-1.82 0-3.67 1-3.67 2.87a2.94 2.94 0 0 0 3.16 2.8 2.67 2.67 0 0 0 2.43-1.25h.06v1h1.84v-4.89c.06-2.26-1.63-3.52-3.81-3.52Zm-.23 7c-.62 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20.2499H19C19.3314 20.2495 19.6491 20.1177 19.8835 19.8834C20.1178 19.649 20.2496 19.3313 20.25 18.9999V10.1767C20.25 9.95378 20.1903 9.73494 20.0773 9.54282C19.9643 9.3507 19.8019 9.19229 19.6071 9.08398L12.5978 4.63298C12.4269 4.54057 12.2355 4.49283 12.0412 4.49418ZM17.75 16.9999C17.75 16.801 17.671 16.6102 17.5303 16.4696C17.3897 16.3289 17.1989 16.2499 17 16.2499H7C6.80109 16.2499 6.61032 16.3289 6.46967 16.4696C6.32902 16.6102 6.25 16.801 6.25 16.9999C6.25 17.1988 6.32902 17.3896 6.46967 17.5302C6.61032 17.6709 6.80109 17.7499 7 17.7499H17C17.1989 17.7499 17.3897 17.6709 17.5303 17.5302C17.671 17.3896 17.75 17.1988 17.75 16.9999Z14:T534,M12 2c2.717 0 3.056.01 4.122.06a7.367 7.367 0 012.428.465 4.876 4.876 0 011.772 1.153 4.908 4.908 0 011.153 1.772 7.387 7.387 0 01.465 2.428C21.987 8.944 22 9.283 22 12s-.01 3.056-.06 4.122a7.393 7.393 0 01-.465 2.428 5.106 5.106 0 01-2.925 2.925 7.387 7.387 0 01-2.428.465c-1.066.047-1.405.06-4.122.06s-3.056-.01-4.122-.06a7.393 7.393 0 01-2.428-.465 5.106 5.106 0 01-2.925-2.925 7.361 7.361 0 01-.465-2.428C2.013 15.056 2 14.717 2 12s.01-3.056.06-4.122a7.361 7.361 0 01.465-2.428 4.88 4.88 0 011.153-1.772A4.897 4.897 0 015.45 2.525a7.361 7.361 0 012.428-.465C8.944 2.013 9.283 2 12 2zm0 2c-2.474 0-2.878.007-4.029.058a5.433 5.433 0 00-1.798.332 2.886 2.886 0 00-1.08.703 2.89 2.89 0 00-.704 1.08 5.425 5.425 0 00-.331 1.798C4.006 9.075 4 9.461 4 12c0 2.474.007 2.878.058 4.029a5.454 5.454 0 00.331 1.797 3.11 3.11 0 001.782 1.783 5.444 5.444 0 001.8.333C9.075 19.994 9.461 20 12 20c2.474 0 2.878-.007 4.029-.058a5.465 5.465 0 001.797-.331 2.92 2.92 0 001.08-.702 2.891 2.891 0 00.704-1.08 5.467 5.467 0 00.332-1.8c.052-1.104.058-1.49.058-4.029 0-2.474-.007-2.878-.058-4.029a5.443 5.443 0 00-.332-1.798 2.911 2.911 0 00-.703-1.08 2.884 2.884 0 00-1.08-.704 5.43 5.43 0 00-1.798-.331C14.925 4.006 14.539 4 12 4zm6.5 2.75a1.25 1.25 0 11-1.25-1.25 1.25 1.25 0 011.25 1.25zM12 7a5 5 0 11-5 5 5 5 0 015-5zm0 2a3 3 0 103 3 3 3 0 00-3-3z15:T7a1,M21.6551 7.51303C21.8323 7.12602 21.927 6.70639 21.9332 6.28082C21.9394 5.85524 21.8569 5.43303 21.6911 5.04103C21.6193 4.85538 21.4766 4.70588 21.2945 4.62543C21.1124 4.54497 20.9058 4.54015 20.7201 4.61203C20.5345 4.6839 20.385 4.82658 20.3045 5.00868C20.2241 5.19078 20.2193 5.39738 20.2911 5.58303C20.3825 5.78754 20.4298 6.00902 20.4298 6.23303C20.4298 6.45703 20.3825 6.67852 20.2911 6.88303C20.1932 7.08728 20.0625 7.2741 19.9041 7.43603C19.2148 6.65349 18.3933 5.99819 17.4771 5.50003C17.4771 5.57403 17.4981 5.64303 17.4981 5.71703C17.4717 7.09142 16.9073 8.40061 15.9261 9.36338C14.9449 10.3262 13.6252 10.8657 12.2506 10.8661C10.876 10.8665 9.556 10.3277 8.57427 9.36548C7.59254 8.40328 7.02736 7.0944 7.00014 5.72003C7.00865 5.52506 7.02835 5.33074 7.05914 5.13803L4.78014 5.47803C4.66442 5.49521 4.55431 5.53918 4.4586 5.60645C4.36289 5.67372 4.28421 5.76241 4.22885 5.86547C4.17348 5.96853 4.14296 6.08309 4.13971 6.20003C4.13646 6.31697 4.16058 6.43306 4.21014 6.53903L4.90014 8.01703C4.6129 8.41078 4.36504 8.8318 4.16014 9.27403L2.37614 9.94403C2.23367 9.99761 2.11087 10.0933 2.02406 10.2183C1.93725 10.3433 1.89054 10.4918 1.89014 10.644V13.7C1.8904 13.8523 1.93706 14.0008 2.02388 14.1259C2.11071 14.2509 2.23359 14.3466 2.37614 14.4L4.15914 15.069C4.99867 16.8145 6.41316 18.2181 8.16514 19.044V21.22C8.16514 21.4189 8.24415 21.6097 8.38481 21.7504C8.52546 21.891 8.71622 21.97 8.91514 21.97H11.0071C11.206 21.97 11.3968 21.891 11.5375 21.7504C11.6781 21.6097 11.7571 21.4189 11.7571 21.22V20.02C12.6524 20.1061 13.5554 20.0677 14.4401 19.906V21.22C14.4401 21.4189 14.5192 21.6097 14.6598 21.7504C14.8005 21.891 14.9912 21.97 15.1901 21.97H17.2811C17.48 21.97 17.6708 21.891 17.8115 21.7504C17.9521 21.6097 18.0311 21.4189 18.0311 21.22V18.534C19.1404 17.8768 20.0639 16.9478 20.7146 15.8347C21.3652 14.7216 21.7216 13.461 21.7501 12.172C21.7442 10.9391 21.4126 9.72967 20.7891 8.66603C21.1499 8.34151 21.444 7.9499 21.6551 7.51303Z16:Ta18,M5 22.75C4.80109 22.75 4.61032 22.671 4.46967 22.5303C4.32902 22.3897 4.25 22.1989 4.25 22C4.25088 20.7852 4.53709 19.5877 5.08559 18.5038C5.63408 17.4199 6.4295 16.48 7.40777 15.7599C8.38605 15.0397 9.51981 14.5594 10.7177 14.3577C11.9156 14.156 13.1441 14.2385 14.3043 14.5985C14.3984 14.6278 14.4857 14.6752 14.5614 14.7383C14.6371 14.8013 14.6997 14.8786 14.7455 14.9658C14.7913 15.053 14.8195 15.1483 14.8285 15.2464C14.8374 15.3445 14.827 15.4434 14.7978 15.5375C14.7685 15.6315 14.721 15.7189 14.658 15.7946C14.595 15.8703 14.5177 15.9328 14.4305 15.9786C14.3433 16.0245 14.2479 16.0527 14.1498 16.0616C14.0517 16.0706 13.9529 16.0602 13.8588 16.0309C12.9231 15.7406 11.9324 15.6742 10.9663 15.8369C10.0003 15.9996 9.08595 16.3869 8.297 16.9677C7.50805 17.5485 6.86654 18.3064 6.42414 19.1805C5.98174 20.0546 5.75083 21.0203 5.75 22C5.75 22.1989 5.67098 22.3897 5.53033 22.5303C5.38968 22.671 5.19891 22.75 5 22.75ZM17.75 7C17.75 5.86276 17.4128 4.75106 16.781 3.80547C16.1491 2.85989 15.2511 2.1229 14.2004 1.6877C13.1498 1.25249 11.9936 1.13862 10.8782 1.36049C9.76284 1.58235 8.73829 2.12999 7.93414 2.93414C7.12998 3.73829 6.58235 4.76284 6.36048 5.87823C6.13862 6.99362 6.25249 8.14976 6.68769 9.20043C7.1229 10.2511 7.85989 11.1491 8.80547 11.781C9.75105 12.4128 10.8628 12.75 12 12.75C13.5245 12.7483 14.986 12.1419 16.064 11.064C17.1419 9.98601 17.7483 8.52447 17.75 7ZM16.25 7C16.25 7.84057 16.0007 8.66227 15.5337 9.36118C15.0667 10.0601 14.403 10.6048 13.6264 10.9265C12.8498 11.2482 11.9953 11.3323 11.1709 11.1683C10.3464 11.0044 9.58917 10.5996 8.9948 10.0052C8.40042 9.41083 7.99565 8.65356 7.83166 7.82914C7.66768 7.00472 7.75184 6.15018 8.07351 5.3736C8.39518 4.59701 8.93992 3.93325 9.63883 3.46626C10.3377 2.99926 11.1594 2.75 12 2.75C13.1268 2.75127 14.207 3.19945 15.0038 3.9962C15.8006 4.79296 16.2487 5.87322 16.25 7ZM21.75 19V22C21.75 22.1989 21.671 22.3897 21.5303 22.5303C21.3897 22.671 21.1989 22.75 21 22.75H16C15.8011 22.75 15.6103 22.671 15.4697 22.5303C15.329 22.3897 15.25 22.1989 15.25 22V19C15.25 18.8011 15.329 18.6103 15.4697 18.4697C15.6103 18.329 15.8011 18.25 16 18.25H16.25V17.5C16.25 16.9033 16.4871 16.331 16.909 15.909C17.331 15.4871 17.9033 15.25 18.5 15.25C19.0967 15.25 19.669 15.4871 20.091 15.909C20.5129 16.331 20.75 16.9033 20.75 17.5V18.25H21C21.1989 18.25 21.3897 18.329 21.5303 18.4697C21.671 18.6103 21.75 18.8011 21.75 19ZM17.75 18.25H19.25V17.5C19.25 17.3011 19.171 17.1103 19.0303 16.9697C18.8897 16.829 18.6989 16.75 18.5 16.75C18.3011 16.75 18.1103 16.829 17.9697 16.9697C17.829 17.1103 17.75 17.3011 17.75 17.5V18.25Z17:T471,M19.5296 18.4701L15.6896 14.629C17.1453 12.8997 17.8769 10.6751 17.7318 8.41932C17.5866 6.16358 16.5759 4.05105 14.9106 2.52261C13.2452 0.994183 11.054 0.167956 8.79408 0.216369C6.53419 0.264782 4.38031 1.1841 2.78196 2.78245C1.18361 4.38079 0.264294 6.53468 0.215881 8.79456C0.167467 11.0545 0.993695 13.2457 2.52213 14.9111C4.05056 16.5764 6.16309 17.5871 8.41883 17.7323C10.6746 17.8774 12.8992 17.1458 14.6285 15.6901L18.4696 19.5301C18.6118 19.6626 18.7998 19.7347 18.9941 19.7313C19.1884 19.7278 19.3738 19.6491 19.5112 19.5117C19.6486 19.3743 19.7273 19.1889 19.7308 18.9946C19.7342 18.8003 19.6621 18.6123 19.5296 18.4701V18.4701ZM8.99959 16.2501C7.56567 16.2501 6.16396 15.8249 4.97171 15.0282C3.77945 14.2316 2.8502 13.0993 2.30146 11.7745C1.75273 10.4498 1.60915 8.99204 1.8889 7.58567C2.16864 6.17931 2.85913 4.88748 3.87307 3.87355C4.887 2.85962 6.17882 2.16913 7.58518 1.88938C8.99155 1.60964 10.4493 1.75322 11.774 2.30195C13.0988 2.85069 14.2311 3.77994 15.0277 4.97219C15.8244 6.16445 16.2496 7.56616 16.2496 9.00008C16.2474 10.9222 15.4828 12.765 14.1237 14.1242C12.7645 15.4833 10.9217 16.2479 8.99959 16.2501V16.2501Z18:T4dd,M20.1816 4.27247L12.1816 2.27247C12.0624 2.24267 11.9376 2.24267 11.8184 2.27247L3.8184 4.27247C3.65609 4.31298 3.51199 4.40658 3.409 4.5384C3.30601 4.67022 3.25004 4.83269 3.25 4.99997V13C3.25 13.1821 3.3457 17.5112 11.6646 21.6709C11.7688 21.7229 11.8836 21.75 12 21.75C12.1164 21.75 12.2312 21.7229 12.3354 21.6709C20.6543 17.5112 20.75 13.1821 20.75 13V4.99997C20.75 4.83269 20.694 4.67022 20.591 4.5384C20.488 4.40658 20.3439 4.31298 20.1816 4.27247ZM12 20.1592C4.9492 16.5288 4.751 13.0234 4.75 13V5.58537L12 3.77287L19.25 5.58537V12.9878C19.249 13.0234 19.0508 16.5288 12 20.1592ZM13.75 8.99997C13.749 9.33007 13.6545 9.65314 13.4775 9.9318C13.3006 10.2105 13.0483 10.4333 12.75 10.5747V14C12.75 14.1989 12.671 14.3896 12.5303 14.5303C12.3897 14.671 12.1989 14.75 12 14.75C11.8011 14.75 11.6103 14.671 11.4697 14.5303C11.329 14.3896 11.25 14.1989 11.25 14V10.5747C10.9678 10.44 10.7269 10.2321 10.5524 9.97269C10.3779 9.71324 10.2763 9.41173 10.258 9.0996C10.2397 8.78746 10.3055 8.47615 10.4486 8.19811C10.5916 7.92007 10.8066 7.68551 11.0711 7.51887C11.3357 7.35222 11.6401 7.25962 11.9527 7.2507C12.2652 7.24178 12.5744 7.31689 12.848 7.46817C13.1217 7.61946 13.3497 7.84139 13.5083 8.11082C13.667 8.38024 13.7504 8.6873 13.75 8.99997Z19:Td9f,M17 22.7499C16.8011 22.7499 16.6103 22.6708 16.4697 22.5302C16.329 22.3895 16.25 22.1988 16.25 21.9999C16.25 20.3423 15.5915 18.7525 14.4194 17.5804C13.2473 16.4083 11.6576 15.7499 10 15.7499C8.3424 15.7499 6.75269 16.4083 5.58058 17.5804C4.40848 18.7525 3.75 20.3423 3.75 21.9999C3.75 22.1988 3.67098 22.3895 3.53033 22.5302C3.38968 22.6708 3.19891 22.7499 3 22.7499C2.80109 22.7499 2.61032 22.6708 2.46967 22.5302C2.32902 22.3895 2.25 22.1988 2.25 21.9999C2.25 19.9444 3.06652 17.9732 4.51992 16.5198C5.97333 15.0664 7.94457 14.2499 10 14.2499C12.0554 14.2499 14.0267 15.0664 15.4801 16.5198C16.9335 17.9732 17.75 19.9444 17.75 21.9999C17.7513 22.0987 17.7329 22.1969 17.6957 22.2885C17.6584 22.3801 17.6032 22.4633 17.5333 22.5332C17.4634 22.6031 17.3802 22.6583 17.2886 22.6955C17.197 22.7327 17.0989 22.7512 17 22.7499ZM15.71 6.99986C15.71 5.86092 15.3717 4.74765 14.7381 3.80122C14.1045 2.85479 13.2041 2.11784 12.1511 1.68384C11.0981 1.24983 9.93991 1.13832 8.82344 1.36345C7.70697 1.58858 6.68251 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Morgan Europe Limited."}],["$","p","1",{"children":"J.P. Morgan Europe Limited is authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and the Prudential Regulation Authority. Our Financial Services Register number is 124579. Registered in England & Wales with company number 938937. Our registered office is 25 Bank Street, Canary Wharf, London, E14 5JP, United Kingdom."}],["$","p","2",{"children":"Nutmeg Saving and Investment Limited is authorised and regulated by the FCA in relation to certain investment services and restricted advice only. Chase is a trading name of J.P. Morgan Europe Limited. Nutmeg and J.P. Morgan Europe Limited are J.P. Morgan companies. Products provided by Nutmeg are not guaranteed by Chase."}]]}]}]]}]}]}]],["$","div",null,{"data-testid":"Layout-main-layout"}]] 4e:T79c,You’re responsible for getting and maintaining any computer hardware, software, or other equipment needed for you to access and use this website.
Access may, from time to time, be unavailable, delayed, limited or slowed due to things like:
The account provider operates the account for use by the customer.
The account provider and the customer agree in advance that the customer may borrow money when there is no money left in the account. The agreement determines a maximum amount that can be borrowed, and whether fees and interest will be charged to the customer.
The customer borrows money when there is no money left in the account (or when the customer has gone past their arranged overdraft limit) and this has not been agreed with the account provider in advance.
The account provider refuses a payment from the customer’s account because there is not enough money in it (or it would take the customer past their arranged overdraft limit).
The account provider allows a payment to be made from the customer’s account although there is not enough money in it (or it would take the customer past their arranged overdraft limit).
The customer permits someone else (recipient) to instruct the account provider to transfer money from the customer’s account to that recipient. The account provider then transfers money to the recipient on a date or dates agreed by the customer and the recipient. The amount may vary.
The account provider makes regular transfers, on the instruction of the customer, of a fixed amount of money from the customer’s account to another account.
The account provider transfers money, on the instruction of the customer, from the customer’s account to another account in the UK.
The account provider transfers money, on the instruction of the customer, from the customer’s account to another account outside the UK.
When money is sent to the customer’s account from an account outside the UK.
The customer takes cash out of the customer’s account in pounds at a cash machine, bank or Post Office in the UK.
The customer takes cash out of the customer’s account in foreign currency at a cash machine or, where available, at a bank outside the UK.
The customer uses their debit card to make a payment in pounds. This can be in a shop, online or over the phone.
The customer uses their debit card to make a payment in foreign currency. This can be in a shop, online or over the phone.
The customer asks the account provider to cancel a cheque that the customer has written.
53:Te0b,Your eligible deposit is covered by a statutory Deposit Guarantee Scheme. If insolvency of your bank, building society or credit union should occur, your eligible deposits would be repaid up to £85,000 by the Deposit Guarantee Scheme.
If a covered deposit is unavailable because a bank, building society or credit union is unable to meet its financial obligations, depositors are repaid by a Deposit Guarantee Scheme. This repayment covers a maximum of £85,000 per bank, building society or credit union. This means that all eligible deposits at the same bank, building society or credit union are added up in order to determine the coverage level. If, for instance a depositor holds a savings account with £80,000 and a current account with £20,000, he or she will only be repaid £85,000.
In some cases eligible deposits which are categorised as “temporary high balances” are protected above £85,000 for six months after the amount has been credited or from the moment when such eligible deposits become legally transferable. These are eligible deposits connected with certain events including:
More information can be obtained under https://www.fscs.org.uk.
In case of joint accounts, the limit of £85,000 applies to each depositor.
However, eligible deposits in an account to which two or more persons are entitled as members of a business partnership, association or grouping of a similar nature, without legal personality, are aggregated and treated as if made by a single depositor for the purpose of calculating the limit of £85,000.
The responsible Deposit Guarantee Scheme is the Financial Services Compensation Scheme, 10th Floor Beaufort House, 15 St Botolph Street, London, EC3A 7QU, tel: 0800 678 1100 or 020 7741 4100, email: ICT@fscs.org.uk. It will repay your eligible deposits (up to £85,000) within 20 working days until 31 December 2018; within 15 working days from 1 January 2019 until 31 December 2020; within 10 working days from 1 January 2021 to 31 December 2023; and within 7 working days from 1 January 2024 onwards, save where specific exceptions apply.
Where the FSCS cannot make the repayable amount available within 7 working days, it will, from 1 June 2016 until 31 December 2023, ensure that you have access to an appropriate amount of your covered deposits to cover the cost of living (in the case of a depositor which is an individual) or to cover necessary business expenses or operating costs (in the case of a depositor which is not an individual or a large company) within 5 working days of a request.
If you have not been repaid within these deadlines, you should contact the Deposit Guarantee Scheme since the time to claim reimbursement may be barred after a certain time limit. Further information can be obtained under https://www.fscs.org.uk.
54:T1209,These Terms and Conditions set out the agreement between You (the person we’ve opened an account for) and Chase (a trading name of J.P. Morgan Europe Limited). Whenever you see ‘we’, ‘us’ or ‘our’, you know we’re referring to Chase.
Other terms may also apply to certain types of accounts. You can find all our terms by going to the Legal section within the app or online at chase.co.uk
If there’s an overlap or conflict between the General Account Terms and Conditions and any other terms, the other terms will apply e.g. if the General Account Terms and Conditions say that we can vary the interest rate, but our other terms say that the rate is fixed, then the rate will be fixed.
Our App Licence Agreement and Privacy Policy are available in the app, and our Cookie Policy and Website Terms are available online at chase.co.uk. All of these also apply to you.
This document contains terms that apply to all our accounts and customers. To help you find your way around, below is where you can find the main topics:
You can contact us at any time if you’re having trouble finding the information you need – or if you have any questions for us.
The General Account Terms and Conditions are always available in the app, but if you ask us, we’ll send them to you. You can also ask us for copies of statements, notices and other documents. You are also able to download or print these documents from the app.
Where relevant, we’ve used standard industry terms in this and all our other documents.
When you sign up to Chase we’ll open an account which you can use for making and receiving payments. You will also be able to open additional accounts if you want to put aside some of your money. For example, if you’re planning a holiday you can put money aside in an account and give it the name “My Holiday”. Unless we tell you otherwise, all accounts can be used for day-to-day spending, so you’ll be able to make payments directly from your “My Holiday” account in the same way you can from your everyday spending account. We may set limits on the number of accounts you can open or hold with us.
We’ll give you a debit card for making payments and to begin with it will be linked to the first account you open with us. If you add accounts, you can link it to one of them if you prefer, at any time through the app or by contacting us (unless we have told you something else).
If we pay interest on an account, we’ll tell you the interest rate when we open the account. We may also choose to pay interest on an existing account at any time. Where we do pay interest, we’ll pay it on the first calendar day of each month but if you close an account, we’ll pay interest earned to the date it’s closed.
Interest is calculated on a daily basis for all accounts. You can check the app at any time to find our current rates. You can also contact us.
We pay interest at a rate of 0% AER/0% Gross (variable) per annum on all current accounts.
AER and Gross: The Annual Equivalent Rate shows the interest rate for a year, taking into account any interest payments made during the year. Gross is the interest rate used to calculate your monthly interest payments, before tax.
All accounts are for your personal use only. For example, you must not use these accounts for a business or to hold money for someone else.
55:T130a,You can get in touch with us through the app or online at https://www.chase.co.uk/gb/en/support/contact-us/
If you need to send a document to us you can upload it through the app.
If we need to get in touch with you, we’ll message you or call you by phone. We may also use emails or the post to contact you. We aren’t responsible if you don’t get information or notices from us because we’ve used out of date contact details. That’s why it’s really important that you:
We’ll notify you whenever we upload new documents to the app. Always remember, when we speak with you we’ll never ask you to give us your PIN or passcode (or any part of them).
We may record telephone numbers you use to contact us. If we need to contact you urgently, we may try them if we can’t reach you on the numbers you’ve given us.
We’ll always use English to communicate with you.
We can provide alternative accessible formats for certain documents. If you need them or want more information on how we help those with accessibility needs, you can contact us or find more information at https://www.chase.co.uk/gb/en/support/accessibility/.
You have a legal right to cancel this agreement without giving a reason within 14 days of entering into it. You can do this by closing the accounts you've opened in the app or contacting us so that we can help you. This is called a ‘cooling off period’. You can also end the agreement at any time after this ‘cooling off period’ has passed.
Your security is our priority so we’ll do all we reasonably can to prevent unauthorised access to your accounts and make sure your accounts are safe and secure. If we suspect any security or fraud issues with an account, we’ll contact you as soon as we can in the most secure way. Remember, we will never ask you to tell us your PIN or passcode.
Security credentials and payment devices are key to keeping your money and information safe:
To make sure an account isn’t accessed by an unauthorised person you must keep your security credentials and payment device safe. Here are just a few security tips to get you started.
If you lose (or someone takes) your security credentials or payment device or if you think someone else has accessed an account you must contact us as soon as possible.
We’ll ask for information or other help, and we may assist (and ask you to assist) any police investigation.
If your security credentials are used with your payment device we’ll assume we’re dealing with you and will make payments, give access to information and do anything else on your account that we’re asked to do. Apart from small contactless payments and certain other payments we’re allowed to make without applying our usual checks, we won’t do any of these things if your security credentials aren’t used with a payment device.
56:T261f,To make a payment you’ll need to use your card or the app. You can make:
When you ask us to send money, we’ll need the recipient’s sort code, account number and name, unless the recipient is using a proxy, for example if they have linked their account details to another phone number, email address or social media account. If we need any other details, we’ll let you know.
It’s important that you make sure the recipient’s details are correct as we’ll be using them to make the payment.
You can only send money within the UK and in pounds sterling. To send money, you must use the app. We don’t provide cheque books to use on our accounts.
As we don’t allow overdrafts, the limit on the payments you can make is the amount we’re holding for you in your account. If you make a payment that takes your account over this limit, you must immediately repay the amount over the limit. This might happen if the payment is ‘contactless’ or an ‘offline’ debit card payment, such as a payment you make on a flight when there’s no connection to our systems. It’s the same if you go over the limit for another reason, e.g. because we apply charges, or if there’s a refund or payment made into your account by mistake and we take it back.
We may also apply spending limits, such as a daily limit on the amount you can withdraw in cash with your card, as well as transaction limits. You can find these limits in our app or by contacting us.
We’ll normally act on your instructions to make payments immediately after we receive them, but the cut-off time for same-day instructions is 11.45pm each day. Once we’ve made a payment, the recipient’s bank will normally receive it within two hours (and must pay it into the recipient’s account immediately). A payment might be delayed if we need to do additional checks on it.
If money you’ve sent to an account doesn’t arrive when it should, or at the latest by the business day after we send it, then if you ask us to, we will contact the receiving bank and ask them to treat the payment as if it had been made on time.
If you ask us to make a standing order or any other payment on a date in the future (we call these ‘future dated payments’), it will be sent on that date.
When you make a debit card payment, we’ll take the money from your account after we receive confirmation of the payment from MasterCard.
A debit card payment in a foreign currency will be converted into pounds sterling before we take the money from your account. This is how:
For debit card payments within the EU, you can also find out how the cost to you of making debit card payment within the EU compares to the euro foreign exchange rates issued by the European Central Bank by visiting the ‘Manage card’ section of the Chase app.
If you’ve got round-ups switched on, we’ll round each debit card payment up to the nearest pound and transfer the difference to your round-up account. For example, when you use your debit card to pay £2.60 for your morning coffee, we’ll automatically transfer the round-up amount of £0.40 to your round-up account soon after taking the £2.60 to pay for your coffee. We’ll take the payment and the round-up amount from the account your card was linked to at the time the debit card payment was made. You can switch round-ups on or off from the app at any time.
You can change or stop a future dated payment if you let us know by 11.59pm on the day before we are due to make the payment. You can’t change or stop any payments you’ve asked us to make immediately.
Remember, if you change or cancel a direct debit or a regular card payment with us, you should also tell the organisation or company that collects the payment so they can cancel or change it (and any future dated payments) as well. If for some reason a direct debit or regular card payment you’ve cancelled is still collected, we’ll treat the payment as unauthorised and give you an immediate refund.
We’ll generally make a payment from your account when you ask us to, but we won’t make a payment if:
We may contact you and ask you to confirm a payment before we make it. We may do this if, for example, we reasonably believe the payment is connected to fraud or a scam or we have other security concerns. After you have checked the payment, we may still refuse to make it.
We may also set internal limits to some kinds of payments. For security reasons, we sometime change these and can’t always say what they are. We may also refuse to make a payment if it’s above one of these limits.
You can also set controls through the app on the amount or type of payments you can make on your account. We’ll do all we reasonably can to apply the controls you’ve set (e.g. to prevent you making particular types of payments), but sometimes this may not be possible. For example, if we can’t identify the payment type in question.
We’ll usually make payments for you each day in the order we receive them (either from you or from a retailer under a direct debit). As a rule, this means we won’t make a payment if there isn’t enough money in your account to cover it, but we may still make smaller payments that day if there is enough money.
For example, if you have £500 in your account and you authorised a £150 payment, then a £400 payment and then a £50 payment, we’ll make the £150 and £50 payments but we won’t make the £400 payment.
If we can’t make a payment you’ve asked us to make, we’ll let you know.
If we can’t make a standing order, direct debit or future dated payment because there isn’t enough money in your account, we’ll remind you to top up your account so that we can try again later the same day. If there still isn’t enough money in the account when we try again, we won’t be able to make the payment. If you’re making a payment to a retailer using a card or other payment device, you’ll know the payment’s been declined when you try to make it.
Unless it would be unlawful, we’ll let you know we’re declining a payment and, where possible, the reason why as well as how you can correct any errors which caused us to decline it.
We can block your payment device and access to your account if we reasonably:
We’ll let you know if we do this, and why, unless it would be unlawful for us to tell you or it would affect the security of your account. If possible, we’ll tell you before we put a block in place but, if we can’t, we’ll tell you immediately after we’ve done it.
We’ll remove a block as soon as the reason for it ends. We may replace your payment device or get you to change your security credentials if we reasonably believe this is necessary to keep your account secure.
57:T107d,You can only pay money into your account by making a payment from another account you have with us or directly from another bank in the UK in pounds sterling (not by cheque). Any payment we receive for you will be added to your account and ready for you to use immediately.
We won’t accept a payment into your account if we have good reasons not to. For example, we won’t accept a payment if we reasonably believe that:
If we pay money into your account by mistake for any reason, we’ll take it back as soon as we realise we’re at fault.
If we’re told that a payment was paid into your account by mistake (e.g. if the payer used the wrong account details when making the payment), we’ll contact you to let you know. The following will apply:
If you tell us that the payment wasn’t a mistake, we’re legally required to share all relevant information we hold with the paying bank, if it asks us for this. This is so that the payer can try to get the payment back from you directly. The information we share will include your name and address and information about the payment.
If you have money in an account we may ‘set it off’ against any amount you owe us or any group company which is due for payment.
For example, if you have £500 in your ‘My Holiday’ account and you owe us £200 on another account, we may use £200 from the ‘My Holiday’ account to repay the amount you owe us.
We’ll always write to you before we use our right of set-off. We’ll only use this right if we think it’s reasonable, taking into account your circumstances and any regulatory requirements. For example, we’ll take into account whether you’re likely to have enough money to meet essential living expenses.
We can use money in your account even if there’s a court decision against you or you’re fined (including interest arising after the date of the decision or fine), except where we’re prevented by the court or by law.
Rarely, we receive legal instructions or notices to hold a customer’s money for, or to pay it to, someone else. If this happens, we won’t set¬off against the money we’ve been told to hold for someone else.
Amounts owed to us and due for payment include any amounts owed under a loan, credit card, mortgage or overdraft which have become due for repayment and which you have not repaid on time.
As set-off applies to any group company, if you have £10,000 in an account with us and you owe £1,000 to another group company, we can take £1,000 from your account to pay off the overdue amounts you owe (even if you owe that amount to the group company jointly with another person).
If we suspect a payment made into your account is linked to fraud or other criminal activity, then we’ll need to take action. We will either block access to your account completely or block access to funds that are of an equal or lesser value to the payment. We’ll do this while we investigate the issue and we won’t ask for your permission before doing this. Depending on the outcome of our investigation, we may either return the funds to the paying bank or remove the block.
58:T215f,You’ll generally get a refund for a payment if you have any of the problems set out below, unless you’ve been fraudulent, in which case no refund will be provided. We’ve also set out how quickly you can expect to get your money back, when you won’t get a refund and other important information about our approach to refunds and what we expect from you.
Let us know as soon as you can if there is a problem with a payment as it may affect how we will refund any transactions.
A payment which wasn’t authorised by you or someone you’ve authorised to make payments on your account.
If you didn’t keep your payment device or security credentials safe, either intentionally or with a very significant degree of carelessness (such that you’re either reckless or grossly negligent) you won’t be able to get a refund for payments made before you’ve told us that your payment device or security credentials are at risk (e.g. lost, stolen, or likely to be misused).
If you tell us within 13 months and you’re entitled to a refund, we’ll give you one automatically; if you tell us after 13 months, we’ll need to investigate before giving a refund.
Before the end of the business day after you tell us (provided you tell us within 13 months), but not if we know you’ve been reckless or grossly negligent or we reasonably suspect you’ve been fraudulent.
If you tell us after 13 months and we decide to refund you, then we’ll make the refund once our investigation is complete.
You also won’t be responsible if either another person uses your payment device before you receive it or we didn’t give you a number to contact us on so you could tell us that your payment device or security credentials were lost or stolen. You are also not responsible if we didn’t make the checks we’re legally required to make to confirm that you authorised a payment.
A payment we sent to the wrong person or account (although you gave us the right details).
In this instance we made the mistake.
If you tell us within 13 months and you’re entitled to a refund, we’ll give you a refund automatically.
If you tell us after 13 months, we’ll need to investigate before giving a refund.
If you tell us within 13 months, we’ll give you a refund before the end of the business day after you tell us.
If you tell us after 13 months, we’ll give you a refund once we have completed the investigation and decided we should make a refund.
A payment that wasn’t sent to the right person or account because you gave us the wrong details.
If you provided us with the wrong details, then you won’t get a refund from us.
If you were tricked into giving us the wrong details by a fraudster, then you may get a refund.
There is no time limit.
If you ask us, we’ll try to recover the payment from the recipient’s bank. We’ll let you know if you need to cover our reasonable costs for doing this. If we are not able to get your money back and you want to try to get it back yourself, you can ask us to ask for the recipient’s details from their bank.
This is where you:
Either intended to send money to a particular person, but you were tricked into sending money to someone else; or sent money to someone for what you thought was a genuine purpose, but which was actually fraudulent.
If, taking everything into account when the payment was made, we find you should’ve known you were being tricked into sending money to a fraudster you won’t get a refund.
There is no time limit.
If you’re entitled to a refund, we’ll give this to you without delay.
To decide whether to give a full or partial refund, we’ll look at each case on its merits and apply industry standards. We will let you know, usually no later than 15 business days after the day you told us. It may take longer in exceptional cases.
Where you aren’t due a refund, if you ask us, we’ll try to recover the payment from the recipient’s bank. We’ll let you know if you need to cover our reasonable cost for doing this. If this doesn’t work and you want to try to get your money back, you can ask us to get details of the recipient from the recipient’s bank.
This is where you didn’t agree the exact amount of the payment when you authorised it and the amount charged was more than you reasonably expected, taking into account your previous spending patterns and the particular circumstances.
This covers situations such as when you provide your card for car hire or to pay for hotel expenses and don’t know the exact amount you’ll be charged when you authorise the payment.
No refund will be made if we’re told more than 8 weeks after the payment hits your account.
We’ll investigate your claim and may ask for more information about the payment and what happened.
We’ll make the refund, or tell you why we won’t make it, within 10 business days from the date we get your claim or any information we’ve asked for.
We won’t give you a refund if: you gave consent for the payment directly to us, and at least four weeks before the payment was made, we or the retailer gave you (or made available) information about the transaction.
This is where there is unauthorised use of your payment device to pay a retailer for goods or services (except financial services) remotely (i.e. online or by phone).
If you tell us within 13 months and you’re entitled to a refund, we’ll give you one automatically.
If you tell us after 13 months, we’ll need to investigate before giving a refund.
We’ll refund you before the end of the business day after you tell us (provided you tell us within 13 months), but not if we reasonably
suspect fraud.
If you tell us after 13 months, we’ll refund you once we have completed the investigation and decided we should make a refund.
Under the Direct Debit scheme rules you can ask for a payment to be returned to you.
This is Monday to Friday (excluding public holidays in England and Wales).
If we make a refund for any reason, we’ll put you in the position you would’ve been in if the payment hadn’t been made. This means we’ll give back the amount of the payment and any interest we’ve charged you or interest we would’ve paid you.
If we discover that you weren’t entitled to a refund after we’ve given it to you, we’ll take it back. If we take back a refund, we’ll put your account in the position it would have been in had we not provided a refund in the first place. This may include adjusting any interest added to your account.
59:T2370,You will not incur any fees or charges for holding a current account.
If there are any charges for other services we’ll always get your agreement to pay them before we provide the service. We may also charge an administration fee, up to the maximum allowed by law, if we have to do anything to comply with a court order on your account(s) e.g. a child maintenance order.
You are responsible for managing your tax affairs. Please note that there may be taxes or costs which apply to you that aren’t charged by us or paid through us.
We’ll give you a statement each month showing payments in and out, any interest we’ve paid and any interest or charges we’ve taken from your account. You’ll find your statements in the Profile section of the app. We won’t change or delete any transaction information after we upload it to the app.
You’ll also be able to check the state of your account at any time using the app. We’ll send you a reminder each month to check this information.
In addition, we’ll provide you with a summary of any charges on your accounts every 12 months from account opening and a closing statement when you close an account.
We’ll also provide tools in the app allowing you to review your transactions and spending across different time periods.
We’ll do what we reasonably can to make sure these tools work as described. However, you shouldn’t rely on them and you should check your accounts frequently to make sure any tools work as you expect, as we are not responsible if they don’t.
As this agreement may last a long time, we’re likely to need to make changes as we develop our services, our business changes and things happen that we don’t control.
We might make changes due to:
An example of what we mean in practice could be that the Financial Ombudsman might make a decision about one customer which impacts other customers.
An example of what we mean in practice could be that if these rates increase or decrease that might have an impact on the interest rate we pay you (when you hold money in an account) or you pay us (when you borrow money from us).
An example of what we mean in practice could be that if our operating costs increase we may allocate a proportion of these to customers.
An example of what we mean in practice could be that we might make changes because we’ve added new functionality to the Chase app or on an account.
We’ll only make changes for these reasons if it’s reasonable for us to pass the impact of that change on to you. In all cases, we’ll always be proportionate in how we respond to a change.
We can’t predict exactly why we might need to make changes in future, so we may also make changes for reasons that aren’t covered here. In particular, we may also:
If we make a change to your disadvantage then we’ll give you advance notice so you can end the agreement or switch your account. If we increase the interest rates we pay you, we’ll give you notice no more than 30 days after the change.
For all other changes, we’ll give you at least two months’ notice before the change takes effect unless we’re allowed to provide less notice, in which case not less than seven days’ notice before the change takes effect.
If we give advance notice that we’re going to make a change to this agreement and you don’t tell us that you want to close your account before it takes place, or within the next 60 days (if longer), then we’ll treat you as having accepted the change and it will apply automatically at the end of the notice period.
If you tell us that you don’t want to accept the change, then you can close your account without charge.
This agreement will last until one of us ends it. This section shows how and why you and we can end the agreement, stop providing services or close an account. You can do this without charge by contacting us.
You can end the agreement for any reason by contacting us at any time.
We can end the agreement immediately without advance notice if you:
We can also end the agreement immediately without advance notice if we reasonably believe that:
If we have any other reason to end the agreement, we will give you at least 2 months’ advance notice.
If you or we close an account or end the agreement, we’ll send you any money in it (plus any interest we owe you) when everything you owe us has been paid. This includes any card payments, charges and interest which haven’t yet been applied to your account.
You must redeem any rewards balance you have (such as a cashback balance) before you initiate the closure of your last current account with us. If you don’t, you won’t be able to redeem the rewards balance later.
You must cancel any payments into and out of your account. If you close the account that your debit card is linked to, we’ll link it with another account you hold with us.
If your relationship with us ends, you can ask us for copies of any documents that were uploaded to the app as well as your transaction information for the previous six years.
If you haven’t used the app or any accounts for 14 months, we may restrict payments into or out of them and suspend access to the app to protect you and us against fraud. We’ll try to let you know before we do this. You can get access back by contacting us.
If there’s no activity on one of your accounts for 14 months, then we may close it or transfer the funds to another active account you hold with us.
Depending on your usage, we may choose not to send you a replacement debit card when your debit card expires. This might be the case if, for example, you’ve not used your debit card for a long time before its expiry. We will notify you before your debit card expires.
We can also help you transfer the money in your account and any information we have about payments set up on your account to a new account with another UK bank. We call this ‘switching’. You can request to ‘switch’ your account to another UK bank by contacting your new bank, who will then get in touch with us. We’ll give you the information we have about payments set up on your account so you can transfer them. We’ll take any amounts you owe us before we do this. We won’t charge you for this.
You can find more information about switching on chase.co.uk.
5a:T2b48,A TPP is an app or web service that allows you to do things such as access information on your online accounts held with different providers in one place. You can also make payments from those online accounts via a TPP. You must give a TPP your permission to do these things. A TPP must be authorised or have permission from the FCA (one of our regulators) to carry out their services.
If you use a TPP, this agreement will still apply to you, in addition to any agreement you might make with the TPP.
Following your consent, we’ll allow the TPP access to account information and you’ll be able to make any payments through the TPP that you’d be able to make if you were dealing with us online. Account information will include details about who you make payments to and receive payments from.
You must check from the information the TPP has to give you that they’re authorised. If you give your security credentials to an unauthorised third party, we’ll assume it’s you that’s authorising us to give access to information about your accounts and you’ll be responsible for any payments made as a result. If we’re aware that an unauthorised third party is using your security credentials, we’ll block access to your accounts.
To protect you, we may refuse to allow a TPP to access your account if we’re concerned that the TPP is unauthorised or acting fraudulently. We’ll tell you if we do this, unless it would be unlawful or would compromise our reasonable security measures.
If you think a payment made through a TPP was unauthorised or incorrect, you must contact us as soon as you can.
You can appoint another person to operate your account for you. To do this, you’ll need to provide us with a Power of Attorney signed by you. Sometimes another person may also be appointed to act for you. This could happen if you’re unable to operate your account yourself, for example because you have a mental incapacity. As long as we receive the correct legal documentation confirming the appointment, we’ll allow that other person to operate your account. Until we’ve received these documents we won’t allow any other person to give instructions on the account, for example to make a payment or close it.
If we know that a person’s legal authority to act for you has ended, we won’t accept an instruction from them about your account.
These terms apply to any person allowed or appointed to use your account, but you’ll be responsible for everything they do even if they make you breach the agreement.
In a few places in this agreement we refer to a ‘group company’. This means any company that controls or is controlled directly or indirectly by JPMorgan Chase & Co., or is under common control with JPMorgan Chase & Co.. A company has ‘control’ if it can direct the management and policies of another company through, for example, ownership of shares (and voting rights) or by a contract.
If we make a reasonable request for information, you must give it to us as soon as possible. If you don’t, or we suspect fraudulent or criminal activity, then:
You must make sure the information you give us is accurate and up to date and tell us if anything changes within 30 days (such as any email address or phone number you’ve given us). You can update these details through the app or by contacting us.
Our Privacy Policy explains how we’ll use your information. We’ll also give information to others if we are required to do so by law or public duty (e.g. if we believe you may have tax obligations in other countries, we may have to disclose that information directly to tax authorities) or if we need to disclose to protect our own interests (e.g. in any legal proceedings) or we have your specific agreement.
We may withhold or deduct tax from any payment to you if we are required to do so to comply with law. If we do, you’ll be entitled to the payment after we’ve made the deduction.
We can transfer all of our rights and obligations under this agreement and in relation to your account to any group company or any other company, but we’ll only transfer obligations to someone we reasonably consider capable of performing them and who has the appropriate regulatory permission. This won’t reduce any of your rights in relation to your account.
You can’t transfer any of your rights and obligations in relation to the agreement, your account, or your account itself, to any other person. This means that you cannot use your account as ‘security’ for money you borrow from someone else. By ‘security’, we mean giving someone you borrow money from certain rights over the account which they can use when you don’t pay back what you owe them.
When you join Chase, you agree to these terms. So that we can provide payment services to you, you agree to us accessing, processing, and retaining any information you provide to us. This doesn’t affect any rights and obligations you or we have under data protection laws. You can withdraw this consent by closing your account. If you do this, we’ll stop using your data for this purpose, but may continue to process your data for other purposes.
We won’t be responsible for any losses to you if we can’t perform our obligations under this agreement because of:
English law applies to this agreement and any dealings we had before you and we entered into this agreement.
The courts of England and Wales have jurisdiction to hear any disputes about this agreement, unless you live in another part of the UK in which case any disputes may be brought in that part of the UK.
If you’re unhappy with our service for any reason, please contact us through the app or online at https://www.chase.co.uk/gb/en/support/contact-us/
We’ll aim to provide you with a decision as soon as we can. Further details about our complaints process are available at https://www.chase.co.uk/gb/en/support/making-a-complaint/ and below.
To make a complaint, please get in touch with us via ‘Support’ in the app. We’ll speak to you about your complaint and work together to try and find a resolution. Alternatively, you can write to us at Freepost Banking Operations, PO Box 17507, Edinburgh, EH12 1PX.
If we can, we’ll resolve your complaint within the first 3 working days after you tell us and send you a Summary Resolution Communication. However, sometimes we might need a little more time. If this happens we’ll send you an acknowledgement within 5 working days, although we’ll try to do it sooner.
We’ll aim to resolve your complaint as quickly as possible, but for most complaints it could take up to 8 weeks. If your complaint is payment related, we’ll aim to find a solution within 15 days. In exceptional circumstances we may extend that up to 35 days. We’ll send you a Final Response which will explain our investigation and resulting resolution.
If you’re unhappy with how we’ve dealt with your complaint, you can ask the Financial Ombudsman Service to look into it for you. They’ll do so free of charge – but you must contact them within 6 months of our response.
They can be contacted using the following details:
Financial Ombudsman Service, Exchange Tower, Harbour Exchange, London, E14 9SR
Tel: 0800 023 4567 or 0300 123 9123
Email: complaint.info@financial-ombudsman.org.uk.
If you would like further information about the Financial Ombudsman Service, you can find it on their website at https://www.financial-ombudsman.org.uk.
If you don’t think we’ve met our legal requirements, you can also submit information about this to one of our regulators, the Financial Conduct Authority.
Financial Conduct Authority
12 Endeavour Square, London, E20 1JN
0800 111 6768 or 0300 500 8082
We are covered by the Financial Services Compensation Scheme (FSCS). The FSCS can pay compensation to depositors if a bank is unable to meet its financial obligations. In respect of deposits, an eligible depositor is entitled to claim up to the current FSCS limit for deposits. For more information about the scheme (including the current limits, amounts covered and eligibility to claim) please contact us, visit the FSCS website https://www.fscs.org.uk or contact the FSCS on 020 7741 4100 or 0800 678 1100. Please note only compensation related queries should be directed to the FSCS.
J.P. Morgan Europe Limited is authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and the Prudential Regulation Authority. Our Financial Services Register number is 124579. You can check these details by visiting the Financial Conduct Authority’s website https://www.fca.org.uk or contacting them on 0800 111 6768.
J.P. Morgan Europe Limited is a company incorporated under the laws of England and Wales with company registration number 00938937 and its registered office at 25 Bank Street, Canary Wharf, London, E14 5JP, United Kingdom. J.P. Morgan Europe Limited’s registered VAT Number is: GB 397 2498 93.
5b:T5d0,About the account: The round-up account will accelerate your savings on round-up payments when you're using your debit card for normal payments for everyday goods and services. We'll pay interest at a rate of 5% AER (variable) per annum.
Annual transfer: We’ll transfer any funds (including interest) in the account to an account of your choosing annually.
If you close your other accounts: You must have at least one account (in addition to the round-up account) open at any time to continue to hold the round-up account.
We'll close the round-up account and transfer any funds (including interest) in it to you when the last of your other accounts held with us is closed.
You may only hold one round-up account at any time.
Closing the account: You can close the round-up account at any time without charge, in addition to any statutory cancellation rights you might have. We'll transfer any funds held in it (including interest) to you.
AER and gross: AER is short for Annual Equivalent Rate and shows the interest rate for a year, taking into account any interest payments made during the year. The AER enables you to easily compare the interest rates on accounts from different banks/building societies where interest may be calculated or paid at different frequencies/times.
Gross is the interest rate used to calculate your monthly interest payments, before tax.
5c:Tea6,This account is designed to help you save money for when you need it, rather than for day-to-day payments.
This account has a variable interest rate. The annual equivalent rate (AER) tracks at 1.25% below the Bank of England’s base rate (also known as the Bank of England’s bank rate which is available on the Bank of England website). For example, If the Bank of England’s base rate is 5.0% we will track below this rate by 1.25%, resulting in a Chase saver interest rate of 3.75%. The current interest rate applicable can be found in the app or on our website (or you can contact us). Interest is paid on the first calendar day of the month and is calculated on a daily basis.
The interest rate we’ll pay on this account will automatically change five business days after the Bank of England announces a change to its base rate. For example, if the Bank of England announces that they are decreasing the base rate by 1%, the AER on this account will decrease by 1% five business days later. We will contact you to let you know the new rate applicable to this account.
The interest rate on this account will never go below 0%. If the Bank of England’s base rate goes below 1.25% the interest we pay on this account will be 0%.
We may also change the rate below which this account’s interest rate tracks the Bank of England’s base rate. We will give you at least two months’ notice before making this change.
You can only pay money into the account in pounds sterling. This can only come from another account you have with us or another bank in the UK.
You can only withdraw from the account by transferring funds to other accounts held with us or other UK banks. You can make as many withdrawals as you like with no penalties.
There is no minimum balance or minimum deposit.
There is a maximum deposit limit of £3,000,000 across all Chase saver account(s) you hold with us.
You may accrue interest that pushes your balance over this limit. If you do, you will keep earning interest and that will continue to be paid into the account.
If you pay money into the account that takes your balance over the maximum deposit limit, we will move the amount over the limit into one of your other accounts held with us. We will tell you if we do this.
You can hold up to 10 Chase saver accounts at any time.
You will not incur any fees or charges for holding the account.
You must have at least one general account with us open at any time to hold a Chase saver account. If you close the last of your general accounts with us, we'll close your Chase saver account too. When we do that, we’ll transfer any funds (including interest) in it to you.
Your statutory cancellation right means you can cancel this agreement within 14 days of entering into it. You don’t have to give a reason. You just need to close the account in the app. You can also close the account at any time without charge. We'll transfer any funds held in it (including interest) to you.
The Annual Equivalent Rate shows the interest rate for a year, taking into account any interest payments made during the year.
Gross is the interest rate used to calculate your monthly interest payments, before tax.
5d:T1cbc,Effective from 14 October 2024
These terms cover the way that Chase may introduce you to Nutmeg, and what will happen if you choose to link your Chase and Nutmeg accounts.
These terms add to our General Account Terms and Conditions. If there's a conflict between any term in the General Account Terms and Conditions and one here, then the term here will apply. You can find a copy of these terms and the General Account Terms and Conditions in the app.
These terms refer to “Nutmeg”, the trading name of Nutmeg Saving and Investment Limited. Nutmeg is a UK digital investment manager which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority, no. 552016, registered in England and Wales, no. 07503666, with a registered office at 25 Bank Street, Canary Wharf, London E14 5JP. Nutmeg and Chase are J.P. Morgan companies. Products provided by Nutmeg are not guaranteed by Chase.
We may introduce you to Nutmeg through our app, with a view to Nutmeg providing you with discretionary investment management services or advice. Just so you know, when we do this, we’re not recommending that Nutmeg’s services are suitable or appropriate for you.
For more information about the services it offers, please head to Nutmeg’s website. Before applying, you should consider if a Nutmeg account and its features are suitable for you and your investment needs.
To make it easier and quicker for you to sign up, we may pass on some of your personal information to Nutmeg. We’ll ask for your consent before we do this.
As with all investing, your capital is at risk. The value of your portfolio with Nutmeg can go down as well as up, and you may get back less than you invest. Tax treatment depends on your individual circumstances and may be subject to change in the future.
To become a Nutmeg customer, you’ll need to meet Nutmeg’s eligibility criteria and successfully complete its onboarding checks. Just so you know, Nutmeg does not offer services to US tax residents.
Nutmeg’s terms and conditions will apply to your relationship with Nutmeg and the investment management and advice services that Nutmeg offers. Chase will not provide regulated investment services to you.
Our role is only to introduce you to Nutmeg, so that you can receive its discretionary investment management and/or advisory services. Because our introduction is not a regulated investment service, it will not have the benefit of client protections that apply to regulated investment services. For example, you may not be able to refer complaints to the Financial Ombudsman Service, or be eligible for compensation under the Financial Services Compensation Scheme, in relation to the introduction to Nutmeg by Chase. However, if you choose to sign up to investment services from Nutmeg, you’ll benefit from the protections for clients receiving regulated investment services that Nutmeg provides, as described in the Nutmeg terms.
If you have any questions about Nutmeg, the services it offers, or about your Nutmeg pots, please contact Nutmeg.
You can tell us to link your Nutmeg and Chase accounts. If you do, we’ll ask you to confirm with Nutmeg that you’re happy for us to do this via the Nutmeg app. Nutmeg will then give us access to information about your Nutmeg pot balances, and the performance of your Nutmeg pots.
This information will appear in the Chase app so that you can see details of your Chase and Nutmeg accounts in one place.
We’re not responsible for checking that the information provided by Nutmeg is correct. Please contact Nutmeg if you have any questions about your Nutmeg pots or investments.
You’ll be able to use the Chase app to make a payment into your Nutmeg account. Please see Chase’s General Account Terms and Conditions for more information on how we make payments. You will not be able to make payments directly into any Nutmeg pension pots from within the Chase app.
Just so you know, you can only link a Nutmeg account in your own name to your Chase account.
If you choose to link your Nutmeg and Chase accounts, please note that Nutmeg may provide some of its investment services to you through the Chase app. For example, Nutmeg may allow you to:
Nutmeg’s terms and conditions will apply to these services. If you have any questions about Nutmeg, the services it offers, or about your Nutmeg pots, please contact Nutmeg.
If you no longer want to see your Nutmeg investment pots in the Chase app, please contact us at Chase and we'll help you unlink your accounts.
As these terms may last a long time, we’re likely to need to make changes as we develop our services, our business changes and things happen that we don’t control.
If we make a change to your disadvantage then we’ll give you 30 day’s advance notice.
For all other changes, we will not be required to provide you with advance notice and the changes will have immediate effect. We will give you notice no more than 30 days after the change.
If you're happy with these changes you don't need to do anything, they'll happen automatically.
If you don’t accept them, lets us know and we can remove your Nutmeg investment pots from the Chase App.
We won’t charge you for introducing you to Nutmeg, or for linking your Nutmeg and Chase accounts.
But we do receive a payment from Nutmeg in return for making this introduction if you are a new Nutmeg customer and sign up to Nutmeg as a result of the introduction. Please let us know if you’d like more information on this payment.
Nutmeg will charge fees for providing its services, and other charges may also apply when you use its services. For more information, please see the Nutmeg website.
We’ll share information about you with Nutmeg when your accounts are linked – you can find more information in our https://www.chase.co.uk/gb/en/legal/privacy-notice/. We may also send you email marketing for Chase services if you’ve opted into receiving marketing from us. We also share data with the wider JP Morgan group so they can help us provide you with Nutmeg services or to meet legal or regulatory obligations. Please see the privacy policy for more information.
5e:T18ae,Monthly cashback is a benefit we offer to existing Chase UK customers whose existing cashback offer has come to an end. We’ll email you to let you know if you become eligible for this offer.
If you deposit at least £500 into your Chase current account in a month, we’ll pay you 1% cashback in the following month when you use your debit card to pay for everyday goods and services such as buying your weekly food shopping or buying a train ticket.
Eligible payments made by either Bacs or Faster Payments Service (FPS) will count towards your monthly deposit. Examples of these payments include:
Transfers between your own Chase accounts, any direct credits to your savings accounts or any refunds to your card won’t count.
There are a few exceptions. You won't be able to earn cashback on anything you buy from the following types of merchants.
Merchants are given a specific code based on the type of things they sell. This is called a Merchant Category Code (MCC). We use the MCC to work out whether you can earn cashback on a transaction.
We don’t control what type of code a merchant is given. So, in some cases, a merchant might sell something that seems eligible for cashback. But because of the merchant’s category code, the transaction isn’t eligible.
Cashback earnings will be capped at £15 a month i.e. on up to £1,500 of spending. If you reach the cap you will not earn cashback on further debit card spending.
We'll credit your rewards balance with any cashback earned after the relevant debit card payment has cleared.
We’ll round your cashback earned to the nearest penny. And if you use your debit card outside the UK, we’ll calculate cashback on the amount after converting into pounds sterling.
We only support Apple Pay, Google Pay and PayPal. All other digital wallets are not supported.
We won’t give you cashback in relation to debit card payments for anything that you later cancel or return for a refund. If we’ve already credited your rewards balance with cashback, we will deduct the relevant amount from your rewards balance.
You can transfer your rewards balance to an account you hold with us. You’re then free to use it as you wish.
The monthly cashback offer will be available to you for a period of 12 months from when your 1% cashback offer ends.
However, if we do stop running the offer earlier for any reason, we’ll tell you 30 days before it ends. We might stop you earning cashback at the point we give you notice.
To keep earning cashback for the full 12 months, you’ll need to have an active account with us and keep to the General Account Terms and Conditions as well as deposit into your Chase account a minimum of £500 in a month as mentioned above. If we suspect you are abusing this reward you will stop earning cashback and we may close your account.
We might need to make changes to the way we offer cashback. That could mean changes to how you earn cashback, how much cashback we’ll offer or the period of this reward. We might also make other changes.
We’ll let you know if we make any material changes – usually 30 days before it happens.
If you don’t want to receive cashback, you can opt out of all rewards in the app. If you have any other questions, please call or message us by tapping “Support” in the app.
The terms of your accounts are set out in the General Account Terms and Conditions and other terms we gave you when you opened your account.
Chase is a registered trademark and trading name of J.P. Morgan Europe Limited. J.P. Morgan Europe Limited is authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and the Prudential Regulation Authority. Our Financial Services Register number is 124579.
J.P. Morgan Europe Limited is a company incorporated under the laws of England and Wales with company registration number 00938937 and its registered office at 25 Bank Street, Canary Wharf, London E14 5JP, United Kingdom.
5f:T3239,1. The following terms and conditions apply to this Transfer Offer Promotion (the “Promotion”).
2. As part of this Promotion, if you transfer an ISA and/or a Pension and/or a JISA or Child Trust Fund to Nutmeg Saving & Investment Limited (“Nutmeg”) you will receive:
(a) cashback into your portfolio as “un-allocated cash” (also see clause 15 below), with a minimum cashback of £25 up to a maximum cashback of £3,000 as set out in Table 1a below (the “Investment Boost Reward”); OR
(b) an Avios reward, with a minimum of 2,500 Avios points up to a maximum of 300,000 Avios points as set out in Table 1b below (the “Avios Reward”).
3. You must opt for either the Investment Boost Reward or the Avios Reward. You cannot receive both, they are not cumulative and may not be combined.
4. The main agreement between you and Nutmeg which covers the provision of investment services to you by Nutmeg is set out in the Nutmeg Standard Terms and Conditions (“Nutmeg Standard T&Cs”), which are available here. These terms are the “Promotional Offer T&Cs”. The Promotional Offer T&Cs set out additional terms, including some terms which amend the Nutmeg Standard T&Cs. You should read both sets of T&Cs before redeeming the Investment Boost Reward or the Avios Reward.
5. The capitalised words in these Promotional Offer T&Cs have the same meaning as in the Nutmeg Standard T&Cs, unless they are expressly given a different meaning here.
6. If there is an inconsistency between (a) the Promotional Offer T&Cs and (b) the Nutmeg Standard T&Cs, these Promotional Offer T&Cs will apply.
7. By completing the product transfer request in accordance with paragraph 11(b) or 12(b) below, you are agreeing to be bound by these Promotional Offer T&Cs and the Nutmeg Standard T&Cs.
8. The Promotion will run from 00:01 on 15th June 2023 to 23:59 on 15th August 2023 (the “Promotion Period”).
9. This Promotion is open to New and Existing Customers (defined below) who wish to transfer an existing ISA, JISA/Child Trust Fund or pension from another provider to Nutmeg.
(a). Existing Customers are individuals who are Nutmeg customers that have opened an account before the 15th of June 2023.
(b). New Customers are individuals who:
(i). Have not invested with, or used the services of Nutmeg before; and
(ii). Meet the eligibility requirements in Sections 1.1 and 1.2 of the Nutmeg Standard T&Cs, at the date of opening a Nutmeg account; and
(iii). Will be transferring an existing ISA, JISA/Child Trust Fund or pension into a Nutmeg Stocks and Shares ISA, JISA or a Personal Pension Account.
10. This Promotion cannot be claimed:
(a). in conjunction with any other Nutmeg offer or promotion for New Customers; or
(b). to transfer an existing ISA or Lifetime ISA into a Nutmeg Lifetime ISA; or
(c). to transfer a defined benefit pension scheme into a Nutmeg Personal Pension; or
(d). to transfer any eligible product into a Nutmeg 100%-cash pot.
(e). by those who currently have a John Lewis Investments account
11. To accept Nutmeg’s offer, and receive the Investment Boost Reward (into “un-allocated cash”) as set out in Table 1a below, you must do each of the following things during the Promotion Period:
(a). Initiate a transfer of an existing ISA, JISA/Child Trust Fund or pension into a Nutmeg Stocks and Shares ISA, JISA or a Personal Pension Account;
(b). Ensure that the transfer(s) you initiate meets the minimum transfer value of £5,000. If you complete multiple transfers, the cumulative value of the transfers will count towards the minimum transfer value; and
(c). Select the Investment Boost Reward option in the automated email that will be sent to you by Nutmeg within one (1) day of your first qualifying transfer being initiated.
Note: If you fail to indicate your reward preference pursuant to paragraph 11(c), Nutmeg will endeavour to solicit your reward preference by email on not less than two additional occasions. If Nutmeg is unable to ascertain your reward preference, the Investment Boost Reward will be allocated to your account by default.
12. To accept Nutmeg’s offer, and receive the Avios Reward as set out in Table 1b below, you must do each of the following things during the Promotion Period:
(a). Initiate a transfer of an existing ISA, JISA/Child Trust Fund or pension into a Nutmeg Stocks and Shares ISA, JISA or a Personal Pension Account;
(b). Ensure the transfer(s) you wish to initiate meets the minimum transfer value of £5,000. If you complete multiple transfers, the cumulative value of the transfers will count towards the minimum transfer value;
(c). Select the Avios Reward option in the automated email that will be sent to you by Nutmeg within one (1) day of your first qualifying transfer being initiated and provide Nutmeg with a valid British Airways Executive Club Membership number.
Note: If you fail to indicate your reward preference pursuant to paragraph 12 (a), Nutmeg will endeavour to solicit your reward preference by email on not less than two (2) occasions. If Nutmeg is unable to confirm your reward preference, the Investment Boost Reward will be allocated to your account by default.
Table 1a
Table 1b
For the avoidance of doubt, rewards are not cumulative in nature and cannot be combined.
14. The Investment Boost Reward will be paid to your account within six (6) months of your product transfer request being initiated, provided that all transfers initiated during the promotional period have completed or been cancelled. If product transfers require more than six (6) months to be completed, the Investment Boost Reward will be paid to your account within sixty (60) days of completion.
15. In each case:
(a). The Investment Boost Reward will be held in 'un-allocated cash' and you will be notified that you have cash waiting for allocation. You can then choose which fund to allocate this cash to, or submit a request to withdraw the ‘un-allocated cash’.
(b). The “un-allocated cash” is not part of an ISA, JISA or pension tax wrapper. If you wish to add this to your Nutmeg ISA, JISA or Nutmeg Personal Pension, you will need to transfer the cash into the relevant wrapper. This will be treated as a contribution into the tax wrapper and is subject to contribution limits under the relevant tax rules of each tax product. Clients are responsible for all contributions into a tax wrapper and should check that any such contributions do not exceed allowable contribution limits.
16. The Avios Reward will be awarded to your British Airways Executive Club account within six (6) months of your product transfer being initiated, provided that all transfers initiated during the Promotional Period have completed or have been cancelled. If product transfers require more than six (6) months to be completed, the Avios Reward will be awarded to your British Airways Executive Club within sixty (60) days of completion.
17. Nutmeg cannot be held responsible for any issue or delays in transferring your ISA, JISA/Child Trust Fund or pension caused by the ceding provider.
18. In addition to its rights in the Nutmeg Standard T&Cs, Nutmeg reserves the right to change, terminate or withdraw the Promotion:
(a). Immediately, at any time without prior notice to you in cases of:
(i). suspected abuse, fraud or violation of its rules; or
(ii). your failure to comply with any obligations under these Promotional Offer T&Cs; or
(b). immediately, at any time by providing notice on its website (www.nutmeg.com)
Where this Promotion is changed, terminated or withdrawn in accordance with this paragraph 18, these Promotional Offer T&Cs will no longer apply.
19. These Promotional Offer Ts&Cs shall be governed by English law, and the parties submit to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of England and Wales.
20. Terms and Conditions applicable to Avios redemptions. Reward flights are subject to availability. Taxes, fees and carrier charges apply. Avios points are issued and redeemed in accordance with British Airways Executive Club Terms and Conditions. For full details see www.britishairways.com/en-gb/executive-club/about-the-club
21. Nutmeg is the sole arbiter of these rules, excluding the redemption of Avios which are subject to British Airways Executive Club Terms and Conditions.
22. Nutmeg charges management and other fees. The details are available here.
Nutmeg Saving and Investment Limited is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority, whose address is 12 Endeavour Square, London E20 1JN, www.fca.org.uk. Our firm registration number is 552016. Nutmeg is covered by the Financial Services Compensation Scheme. There is more information about this in our Standard Terms and Conditions.
Chase is a trading name of J.P. Morgan Europe Limited. Nutmeg and J.P. Morgan Europe Limited are J.P. Morgan companies. Products provided by Nutmeg and not guaranteed by Chase. Chase is not the promoter of this Promotion and is in no way responsible for its administration.
60:T9ee,There are a few exceptions. You won't be able to earn cashback on anything you buy from the following types of merchants.
Merchants are given a specific code based on the type of things they sell. This is called a Merchant Category Code (MCC). We use the MCC to work out whether you can earn cashback on a transaction.
We don’t control what type of code a merchant is given. So, in some cases, a merchant might sell something that seems eligible for cashback. But because of the merchant’s category code, the transaction isn’t eligible.
Cashback earnings will be capped at £15 a month i.e. on up to £1,500 of spending. If you reach the cap you will not earn cashback on further debit card spending.
We'll credit your rewards balance with any cashback earned after the relevant debit card payment has cleared.
We’ll round your cashback earned to the nearest penny. And if you use your debit card outside the UK, we’ll calculate cashback on the amount after converting into pounds sterling.
61:Tae3,We only support Apple Pay, Google Pay and PayPal. All other digital wallets are not supported.
We won’t give you cashback in relation to debit card payments for anything that you later cancel or return for a refund. If we’ve already credited your rewards balance with cashback, we will deduct the relevant amount from your rewards balance.
You can transfer your rewards balance to an account you hold with us. You’re then free to use it as you wish.
The Everyday Cashback offer will be available to you from when your existing cashback offer ends.
We may stop running the offer at any time for any reason but we’ll tell you 30 days before it ends. We might stop you earning cashback at the point we give you notice.
To keep earning cashback during this offer, you’ll need to have an active account with us and keep to the General Account Terms and Conditions as well as deposit into any of your Chase current or saver account(s) a minimum of £1,500 in a month as mentioned above. If we suspect you are abusing this reward you will stop earning cashback and we may close your account.
We might need to make changes to the way we offer cashback. That could mean changes to how you earn cashback, how much cashback we’ll offer or the period of this reward. We might also make other changes.
We’ll let you know if we make any material changes - usually 30 days before it happens.
If you don’t want to receive cashback, you can opt out of all rewards in the app. If you have any other questions, please call or message us by tapping “Support” in the app.
The terms of your accounts are set out in the General Account Terms and Conditions and other terms we gave you when you opened your account.
Chase is a registered trademark and trading name of J.P. Morgan Europe Limited. J.P. Morgan Europe Limited is authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and the Prudential Regulation Authority. Our Financial Services Register number is 124579.
J.P. Morgan Europe Limited is a company incorporated under the laws of England and Wales with company registration number 00938937 and its registered office at 25 Bank Street, Canary Wharf, London E14 5JP, United Kingdom.
62:Tf79,These terms add to the Chase saver account Terms and Conditions and General Terms and Conditions. If there’s a conflict between any term in the Chase saver account Terms and Conditions or the General Terms and Conditions and one here, then the term here will apply.
You can find a copy of these terms, the Chase saver account Terms and Conditions and the General Terms and Conditions in the app or you can request a copy from us.
This offer is designed to help you save money for when you need it. This offer gives you a boosted interest rate on top of the applicable Chase saver interest rate for a limited time period. We call this period the ‘offer period’. At the end of the offer period, the boosted interest rate will be removed and you will receive the Chase saver account interest rate applicable at that time.
This is a limited offer for eligible Chase customers and we may withdraw the offer at any time.
You can get this offer if:
If you meet the eligibility criteria above, you can get this offer by applying for a Chase saver with boosted rate through our app.
We will pay a fixed interest rate of 1.0% AER above the applicable Chase saver interest rate during the offer period.
While the boosted interest rate will be fixed during the offer period, we may still make changes to the underlying Chase saver interest rate in line with the Chase saver account Terms and Conditions and the General Terms and Conditions. This means that the overall interest rate on the account may go up or down during the offer period. For example, if the interest rate on your Chase saver account was decreased to 4.0% AER during the offer period then, after that change, you would earn 4.0% AER plus your boosted interest rate of 1.0% AER giving you an overall interest rate of 5.0% AER for the offer period (assuming no further changes to the Chase saver account interest rate were made).
Interest is paid on the first calendar day of the month and is calculated on a daily basis.
The offer period lasts until 4 November 2024. At the end of the offer period, the boosted interest rate will no longer apply and you will receive the Chase saver account interest rate applicable at that time. You can find the Chase saver account interest rate in our app or you contact us.
You can only hold 1 Chase saver account with the boosted interest rate at any time.
You will not incur any fees or charges for holding the account.
Your statutory cancellation right means you can cancel this agreement within 14 days of entering into it. You don’t have to give a reason. You just need to close the account in the app. You can also close the account at any time without charge. We'll transfer any funds held in it (including interest) to you.
If you close a Chase saver account with the boosted interest rate after the offer closes, you will not be able to open another one.
The Annual Equivalent Rate shows the interest rate for a year, taking into account any interest payments made during the year.
Gross is the interest rate used to calculate your monthly interest payments, before tax.
63:T1106,These terms add to the Chase saver account Terms and Conditions and General Account Terms and Conditions. If there’s a conflict between any term in the Chase saver account Terms and Conditions or the General Account Terms and Conditions and one here, then the term here will apply.
You can find a copy of these terms, the Chase saver account Terms and Conditions and the General Account Terms and Conditions in the app or you can request a copy from us.
This offer is designed to help you save money for when you need it. This offer gives you a boosted interest rate on top of the applicable variable Chase saver interest rate for a limited time period. We call this period the ‘offer period’. At the end of the offer period, the boosted interest rate will be removed and you will receive the variable Chase saver account interest rate applicable at that time.
This is a limited offer for eligible Chase customers and we may withdraw the offer at any time.
You will need to have opened a Chase saver with boosted rate whilst this offer is still available to you.
You are eligible to get this offer if on 2 May 2024:
(a) you didn’t have a Chase saver account; or
(b) you had one or more Chase saver account(s) but the balance across all of those Chase saver accounts was below £50,000.
If you meet the eligibility criteria above, you can get this offer by opening a Chase saver with boosted rate through our app.
We will pay a fixed interest rate of 1.0% AER on top of the applicable variable Chase saver interest rate during the offer period.
While the 1.0% AER boosted interest rate will be fixed during the offer period, we may still make changes to the underlying Chase saver interest rate in line with the Chase saver account Terms and Conditions and the General Account Terms and Conditions. This means that the overall interest rate on the account may go up or down during the offer period. For example, if the Chase saver interest rate was changed to 4.0% AER during the offer period, then you would earn 4.0% AER plus your boosted interest rate of 1.0% AER after that change. This would bring you to an overall interest rate of 5.0% AER (assuming no further changes to the Chase saver account interest rate were made during the offer period).
Interest is paid on the first calendar day of the month and is calculated on a daily basis.
The offer period lasts until 16 January 2025. At the end of the offer period, the 1.0% AER boosted interest rate will be removed and you will receive the Chase saver account interest rate applicable at that time. You can find the Chase saver account interest rate in our app, on our website or you can contact us.
You can only hold 1 Chase saver account with a boosted interest rate at any time.
You cannot open a Chase saver with boosted rate if you have reached any limits we have set on the number of accounts you can open or hold with us.
You will not incur any fees or charges for holding the account.
Your statutory cancellation right means you can cancel this agreement within 14 days of entering into it. You don’t have to give a reason. You just need to close the account in the app. You can also close the account at any time without charge. We'll transfer any funds held in it (including interest) to you.
If you close a Chase saver with boosted rate after the offer closes, you will not be able to open another one under this offer.
The Annual Equivalent Rate shows the interest rate for a year, taking into account any interest payments made during the year.
Gross is the interest rate used to calculate your monthly interest payments, before tax.
Variable means the interest rate you receive when you open your account can change.
64:T2de2,By entering this Draw, you are agreeing to these terms and conditions.
Chase is J.P. Morgan Europe Limited trading as Chase of 25 Bank Street, Canary Wharf, London, E14 5JP, United Kingdom (“Chase”).
The Draw is open to new and existing customers of Chase and closes at 23:59 BST on 31st July 2024.
Where it is allowed by law, Chase, its agents or distributors will not in any circumstances be responsible or liable to compensate the winner or accept any liability for any loss, damage, personal injury or death occurring as a result of taking up the prize except where it is caused by the negligence of Chase, its agents or distributors or that of their employees. Your statutory rights are not affected.
Prize winners agree to participate in promotional activity in relation to this Draw. This may include filming and photos for use in marketing.
By entering this Draw, you are agreeing to these terms and conditions.
Chase is J.P. Morgan Europe Limited trading as Chase of 25 Bank Street, Canary Wharf, London, E14 5JP, United Kingdom (“Chase”).
You will receive one entry into the Draw for each £1500 that’s deposited into your Current Account in one go. This means for larger deposits, you'll be granted one entry for each £1500 of the total amount that's paid into you Current Account. For example, a payment of £3,000 into your Current Account will create two entries into the Draw whereas a payment of £2,000 will only create one entry into the Draw.
Below refers to both the First Prize and Runner Up Prize, each as a “Prize” and together the “Prizes”.
Where it is allowed by law, Chase, its agents or distributors will not in any circumstances be responsible or liable to compensate the winner or accept any liability for any loss, damage, personal injury or death occurring as a result of taking up the prize except where it is caused by the negligence of Chase, its agents or distributors or that of their employees. Your statutory rights are not affected.
By accessing our website, you agree to the terms of use (‘terms’) – please do read this page carefully.
\r\nThis website is operated by J.P. Morgan Europe Limited, so whenever you see ‘we’, ‘us’ or ‘our’, you know who we’re referring to.
\r\n","id":"highlightedtext"},{"type":"HTMLSection","html":"Yes. Please also read our:
\r\nJust so you know, if you download the Chase UK mobile app and open an account with us, additional terms could apply. If there’s an overlap or conflict between these terms and our other terms or policies, then the terms here apply.
\r\n","id":"text"},{"type":"HTMLSection","html":"$4e","id":"text_42925996"},{"type":"HTMLSection","html":"$4f","id":"text_87495286"},{"type":"HTMLSection","html":"$50","id":"text_515101515"},{"type":"HTMLSection","html":"We’re authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and the Prudential Regulation Authority. Our Financial Services Register number is 124579. Our VAT registration number is 397 2498 93.
\r\n","id":"text_537099918"},{"type":"HTMLSection","html":"Here’s where you can read our privacy policy, and our cookie policy.
\r\n","id":"text_1469632911"},{"type":"HTMLSection","html":"You can contact us at chase.co.uk/gb/en/support/contact-us/
\r\nThanks for visiting!
\r\n","id":"text_586087796"}]},{"title":"Social Media Terms and Conditions","slug":"social-media-policy/","language":"en","sections":[{"type":"HTMLSection","html":"These guidelines apply to social media accounts operated by J.P. Morgan Europe Limited (“JPMorgan Chase”, “us”, “we”, or “our”) on social media platforms, including but not limited to Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. Please read these guidelines carefully before you engage with our social media channels. By using or submitting material to our online communities, you agree that you accept these guidelines and agree to comply with them.
\r\nUnless otherwise stated, our social media channels are aimed at people in the UK and designed for use in the UK.
\r\n","id":"text_1265192363"},{"type":"HTMLSection","html":"Our online communities are a place to connect, learn and engage. We encourage everyone to:
\r\nWe ask that you respect the community and always follow these guidelines.
\r\n","id":"text"},{"type":"HTMLSection","html":"If you have questions related to our products or services, talk to us using our Facebook page, @ChaseSupportUK on Twitter, or via our website.
\r\nPlease note that our social media accounts may sometimes change or be temporarily unavailable, for example while we are making improvements to them. We may also close our social media accounts at any time.
\r\n","id":"text_1976171861"},{"type":"HTMLSection","html":"This is a public community and anything you post can be viewed by others. Do not post personal or sensitive information that you would not want to make public. For example, never post your account number, passwords, PINs or other non-public personal information on any of our social media channels.
\r\nPlease do not post any personal information about others that has not been voluntarily made available by them in a public post, or for which you do not have their permission to post, or that could otherwise be viewed as an invasion of their privacy.
\r\nRemember that your posts are subject to the website’s privacy and data security practices and policies. Even if you delete a post later, it may have already been viewed by others.
\r\n","id":"text_805459174"},{"type":"HTMLSection","html":"Do not post unauthorised and/or unsolicited advertising, fraud, spam, hyperlinks or content protected by copyright, trademark or other rights.
\r\nFor your online safety, avoid opening any third-party links, unless you trust the source. These links may pose a risk to your computer or take you to inappropriate sites.
\r\n","id":"text_81010666"},{"type":"HTMLSection","html":"Please treat the community with respect, even if you disagree with a post or comment from a fellow member. Do not post any content or comments that may be inappropriate, offensive, profane, culturally, racially or socially insensitive, disruptive, harassing or defamatory.
\r\n","id":"text_161126124"},{"type":"HTMLSection","html":"Our communities are public. The opinions, statements and views expressed by participants (including JPMorgan Chase employees or partners) do not necessarily reflect the opinions of JPMorgan Chase or constitute an official position of JPMorgan Chase.
\r\nJPMorgan Chase is not responsible for views expressed other than our own.
\r\nUnless otherwise stated, all trademarks, company names, logos and designs used on our social media channels are the intellectual property of JPMorgan Chase.
\r\n","id":"text_1182244782"},{"type":"HTMLSection","html":"We reserve the right to remove any content that violates these guidelines or that, in our sole discretion, we consider objectionable.
\r\nIn certain instances, we may suspend or block users that violate our community guidelines. We may also report certain violators to the relevant authorities if they violate channel rules or law.
\r\n","id":"text_558037370"},{"type":"HTMLSection","html":"We may occasionally post links to third-party sites or share content. This does not in any way constitute an official endorsement of the individual, website or company. Links to third-party sites are provided for your information only. We have no control over the contents of those sites, and accept no responsibility for them or for any loss or damage that may arise from your use of them.
\r\nJPMorgan Chase has many advertising relationships. Some linked third-party sites may contain content from sponsors, or sponsorships, paid by JPMorgan Chase. These paid sponsors may disclose this relationship on their websites or in their social media posts.
\r\n","id":"text_959690553"},{"type":"HTMLSection","html":"When you visit JPMorgan Chase on any third-party sites such as Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter, YouTube, etc., your activity is subject to that site's terms and conditions and any privacy and data security practices and policies. These platforms are not affiliated with JPMorgan Chase and may have practices and policies that are different than our own.
\r\nPlease note: JPMorgan Chase is not responsible for, and does not control, these third-party sites' terms and conditions, privacy and data security practices and policies. You should always use caution when posting, sharing or taking any action on these sites and on the internet in general.
We may update or modify these guidelines at any time. Any updates to these guidelines will be effective as soon as they are published on our website. You should check these guidelines frequently to ensure that you are aware of, and are complying with, the latest version of the guidelines.
\r\n","id":"text_1896148391"},{"type":"HTMLSection","html":"These guidelines are governed by the laws of England and Wales. Disputes arising in connection with these guidelines will be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the relevant UK courts.
\r\n","id":"text_1952222271"},{"type":"HTMLSection","html":"Chase is a registered trademark and trading name of J.P. Morgan Europe Limited. J.P. Morgan Europe Limited is authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and the Prudential Regulation Authority. Our Financial Services Register number is 124579.
\nJ.P. Morgan Europe Limited is a company incorporated under the laws of England and Wales with company registration number 00938937 and its registered office at 25 Bank Street, Canary Wharf, London, E14 5JP, United Kingdom.
\n","id":"text_1756602811"}]},{"title":"Glossary","slug":"glossary/","language":"en","sections":[{"type":"CalloutSection","html":"Below you’ll find a glossary of common terms used by all UK banks and building societies whenever they talk about current accounts.
\r\nThe terms have been put together by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) to make it easy for people to compare products offered by different providers (including fees). Please take a little time to read through the glossary. Whenever we use these terms in communications to you, they have the meanings below (unless we've said otherwise).
Your deposit is eligible for protection by the Financial Services Compensation Scheme (FSCS). The information sheet and exclusions list are available to view in the app. For further information about the compensation provided by the FSCS, refer to the FSCS website at https://www.FSCS.org.uk
\r\n","id":"text_1225509063"}]},{"title":"FSCS Protection","slug":"fscs-protection/","language":"en","sections":[{"type":"HTMLSection","html":"Your eligible deposits are protected by the Financial Services Compensation Scheme (FSCS) up to a value of £85,000 per person.
\r\n","id":"text"},{"type":"TableSection","tableData":{"title":"Basic information about the protection of your eligible deposits","data":[["Eligible deposits in Chase, a trading name of J.P. Morgan Europe Limited are protected by:","The Financial Services Compensation Scheme (“FSCS”)1"],[["$","p","0",{"children":["$","b",null,{"children":"Limit of protection:"}]}],[["$","p","0",{"children":["£85,000 per depositor per bank / building society / credit union",["$","sup","1",{"children":"2"}]]}],["$","p","2",{"children":"The following trading names are part of your bank/building society/credit union:"}],["$","ul","4",{"children":["$","li","1",{"children":"Chase"}]}]]],[["$","p","0",{"children":["$","b",null,{"children":"If you have more eligible deposits at J.P. Morgan Europe Limited:"}]}],["$","p","0",{"children":["All your eligible deposits at J.P. Morgan Europe Limited are “aggregated” and the total is subject to the limit of £85,000.",["$","sup","1",{"children":"2"}]]}]],[["$","p","0",{"children":["$","b",null,{"children":"If you have a joint account with another person or persons:"}]}],["$","p","0",{"children":["The limit of £85,000 applies to each depositor separately.",["$","sup","1",{"children":"3"}]]}]],[["$","p","0",{"children":["$","b",null,{"children":"Reimbursement period in case of bank’s failure:"}]}],["$","p","0",{"children":["20 working days",["$","sup","1",{"children":"4"}]]}]],[["$","p","0",{"children":["$","b",null,{"children":"Currency of reimbursement:"}]}],["$","p","0",{"children":"Pound sterling (GBP, £)"}]],[["$","p","0",{"children":["$","b",null,{"children":"To contact Chase for enquiries relating to your account:"}]}],[["$","p","0",{"children":"PO Box 17507"}],["$","p","2",{"children":"Edinburgh"}],["$","p","4",{"children":"EH12 1PX"}],["$","p","6",{"children":"United Kingdom"}],["$","p","8",{"children":"Or via Support in the app"}]]],[["$","p","0",{"children":["$","b",null,{"children":"To contact the FSCS for further information on compensation:"}]}],["$","p","0",{"children":["Financial Services Compensation Scheme",["$","br","1",{"children":null}],"\r\n10th Floor Beaufort House",["$","br","3",{"children":null}],"\r\n15 St Botolph Street",["$","br","5",{"children":null}],"\r\nLondon",["$","br","7",{"children":null}],"\r\nEC3A 7QU",["$","br","9",{"children":null}],["$","br","11",{"children":null}],"\r\nTel: 0800 678 1100 or 020 7741 4100",["$","br","13",{"children":null}],["$","br","15",{"children":null}],"\r\nEmail: ",["$","$L49",null,{"href":"mailto:ICT@fscs.org.uk","sectionLabel":"BodyText","trackingActionLabel":"ICT@fscs.org.uk","children":["ICT@fscs.org.uk",["$","svg",null,{"width":"24","viewBox":"0 0 24 24","aria-hidden":true,"className":"tw-hidden tw-w-[1.4em] tw-align-text-bottom group-[&[href^=http]]/button:tw-inline group-[&[target=\\_blank]]/button:tw-inline","children":["$undefined",["$","use",null,{"href":"#SVG_ExternalLink"}]]}]],"className":"tw-transition-colors tw-inline tw-p-0 tw-m-0 tw-border-0 tw-text-link tw-underline-offset-4 tw-underline active:tw-text-blue10 hover:tw-text-blue30 focus-visible:tw-ring-offset-1 focus-visible:tw-outline-none focus-visible:tw-ring-2 focus-visible:tw-ring-focusRing tw-decoration-current hover:tw-decoration-transparent tw-group/button","tabIndex":0,"disabled":"$undefined","data-variant":"link","target":"$undefined","role":"link"}]]}]],[["$","p","0",{"children":["$","b",null,{"children":"More information:"}]}],["$","p","0",{"children":["$","$L49",null,{"href":"https://www.fscs.org.uk","sectionLabel":"BodyText","trackingActionLabel":"https://www.fscs.org.uk","children":["https://www.fscs.org.uk",["$","svg",null,{"width":"24","viewBox":"0 0 24 24","aria-hidden":true,"className":"tw-hidden tw-w-[1.4em] tw-align-text-bottom group-[&[href^=http]]/button:tw-inline group-[&[target=\\_blank]]/button:tw-inline","children":["$undefined",["$","use",null,{"href":"#SVG_ExternalLink"}]]}]],"className":"tw-transition-colors tw-inline tw-p-0 tw-m-0 tw-border-0 tw-text-link tw-underline-offset-4 tw-underline active:tw-text-blue10 hover:tw-text-blue30 focus-visible:tw-ring-offset-1 focus-visible:tw-outline-none focus-visible:tw-ring-2 focus-visible:tw-ring-focusRing tw-decoration-current hover:tw-decoration-transparent tw-group/button","tabIndex":0,"disabled":"$undefined","data-variant":"link","target":"$undefined","role":"link"}]}]]],"hasRowHeader":false,"hasColumnHeader":true},"id":"responsive_table_1743086616"},{"type":"HTMLSection","html":"$53","id":"text_1824518737"},{"type":"HTMLSection","html":"In general, all retail depositors and businesses are covered by Deposit Guarantee Schemes. Exceptions for certain deposits are stated on the website of the responsible Deposit Guarantee Scheme. Your bank, building society or credit union will also inform you of any exclusions from protection which may apply. If deposits are eligible, the bank, building society or credit union shall also confirm this on the statement of account.
\r\n","id":"text_1316806825"},{"type":"TableSection","tableData":{"title":"","data":[[" Financial Services Compensation Scheme exclusions list"," A deposit is excluded from protection if:"],[["$","p","0",{"children":["$","b",null,{"children":"Financial Services Compensation Scheme exclusions list "}]}],[["$","p","0",{"children":["A deposit is excluded from protection if:",["$","br","1",{"children":null}]]}],["$","p","2",{"children":"(1) The holder and any beneficial owner of the deposit have never been identified in accordance with money laundering requirements. For further information, contact your bank, bank building society or credit union."}],["$","p","4",{"children":"(2) The deposit arises out of transactions in connection with which there has been a criminal conviction for money laundering."}],["$","p","6",{"children":"(3) It is a deposit made by a depositor which is one of the following:"}],["$","ul","8",{"children":["$","li","1",{"children":"credit institution"}]}],["$","ul","10",{"children":["$","li","1",{"children":"financial institution"}]}],["$","ul","12",{"children":["$","li","1",{"children":"investment firm"}]}],["$","ul","14",{"children":["$","li","1",{"children":"insurance undertaking"}]}],["$","ul","16",{"children":["$","li","1",{"children":"reinsurance undertaking"}]}],["$","ul","18",{"children":["$","li","1",{"children":"collective investment undertaking"}]}],["$","ul","20",{"children":["$","li","1",{"children":"pension or retirement fund⁵"}]}],["$","ul","22",{"children":["$","li","1",{"children":"public authority, other than a small local authority"}]}],["$","p","24",{"children":["For further information about exclusions, refer to the FSCS website at ",["$","$L49",null,{"href":"https://www.fscs.org.uk","sectionLabel":"BodyText","trackingActionLabel":"https://www.fscs.org.uk","children":["https://www.fscs.org.uk",["$","svg",null,{"width":"24","viewBox":"0 0 24 24","aria-hidden":true,"className":"tw-hidden tw-w-[1.4em] tw-align-text-bottom group-[&[href^=http]]/button:tw-inline group-[&[target=\\_blank]]/button:tw-inline","children":["$undefined",["$","use",null,{"href":"#SVG_ExternalLink"}]]}]],"className":"tw-transition-colors tw-inline tw-p-0 tw-m-0 tw-border-0 tw-text-link tw-underline-offset-4 tw-underline active:tw-text-blue10 hover:tw-text-blue30 focus-visible:tw-ring-offset-1 focus-visible:tw-outline-none focus-visible:tw-ring-2 focus-visible:tw-ring-focusRing tw-decoration-current hover:tw-decoration-transparent tw-group/button","tabIndex":0,"disabled":"$undefined","data-variant":"link","target":"$undefined","role":"link"}],".",["$","br","3",{"children":null}]]}]]]],"hasRowHeader":false,"hasColumnHeader":true},"id":"responsive_table_1789443775"},{"type":"HTMLSection","html":"5Deposits by personal pension schemes, stakeholder pension schemes and occupational pension schemes of micro, small and medium sized enterprises are not excluded
Your deposit is eligible for protection by the Financial Services Compensation Scheme (FSCS). The information sheet and exclusions list are available to view in the app. For further information about the compensation provided by the FSCS, refer to the FSCS website at https://www.FSCS.org.uk
\r\n","id":"text_1729228167"},{"type":"DocumentVersionsListSection","versionList":[{"label":"Version 1.0.0","url":"https://static.chase.co.uk/documents/assets/gb/en/fscs-protection-1.0.0.pdf"}],"documentPreviousLabel":"Previous versions","id":"https://static.chase.co.uk/documents/assets/gb/en/fscs-protection-1.0.0.pdf"}]},{"title":"General Account Terms and Conditions","slug":"general-terms-and-conditions/","language":"en","sections":[{"type":"DocumentDetailsSection","pdfUrl":"https://static.chase.co.uk/documents/assets/gb/en/general-account-terms-and-conditions-1.7.0.pdf","versionDetails":"PDF Version","id":"https://static.chase.co.uk/documents/assets/gb/en/general-account-terms-and-conditions-1.7.0.pdf"},{"type":"HTMLSection","html":"Version 1.7 - 05 August 2024
\r\n","id":"text_1709007125"},{"type":"HTMLSection","html":"$54","id":"text"},{"type":"HTMLSection","html":"$55","id":"text_1933200639"},{"type":"HTMLSection","html":"$56","id":"text_880377285"},{"type":"HTMLSection","html":"$57","id":"text_919994237"},{"type":"HTMLSection","html":"$58","id":"text_copy"},{"type":"HTMLSection","html":"$59","id":"text_1260045298"},{"type":"HTMLSection","html":"$5a","id":"text_copy_copy_copy"},{"type":"DocumentVersionsListSection","versionList":[{"label":"Version 1.0.0","url":"https://static.chase.co.uk/documents/assets/gb/en/general-account-terms-and-conditions-1.0.0.pdf"},{"label":"Version 1.1.0","url":"https://static.chase.co.uk/documents/assets/gb/en/general-account-terms-and-conditions-1.1.0.pdf"},{"label":"Version 1.2.0","url":"https://static.chase.co.uk/documents/assets/gb/en/general-account-terms-and-conditions-1.2.0.pdf"},{"label":"Version 1.3.0","url":"https://static.chase.co.uk/documents/assets/gb/en/general-account-terms-and-conditions-1.3.0.pdf"},{"label":"Version 1.4.0","url":"https://static.chase.co.uk/documents/assets/gb/en/general-account-terms-and-conditions-1.4.0.pdf"},{"label":"Version 1.5.0","url":"https://static.chase.co.uk/documents/assets/gb/en/general-account-terms-and-conditions-1.5.0.pdf"},{"label":"Version 1.6.0","url":"https://static.chase.co.uk/documents/assets/gb/en/general-account-terms-and-conditions-1.6.0.pdf"}],"documentPreviousLabel":"Previous versions","id":"https://static.chase.co.uk/documents/assets/gb/en/general-account-terms-and-conditions-1.0.0.pdf"}]},{"title":"Round-Up Account Terms and Conditions","slug":"round-ups/","language":"en","sections":[{"type":"HTMLSection","html":"Choose to round up your spending to the nearest £1, and we’ll autosave the difference for you in a round-up account. Then, we'll give your round-up balance a 5% AER (4.89% gross) variable interest boost.
\r\nThings to know about the account:
\r\nThese terms add to the General Terms and Conditions. If there's a conflict between any term in the General Terms and Conditions and one here, then the terms here will apply.
\r\nYou can find a copy of these terms and the General Terms and Conditions in the app.
Your deposit is eligible for protection by the Financial Services Compensation Scheme (FSCS). The information sheet and exclusions list are available to view in the app. For further information about the compensation provided by the FSCS, refer to the FSCS website at https://www.FSCS.org.uk
\r\n","id":"text_1863143240"}]},{"title":"Chase saver account Terms and Conditions","slug":"chase-saver-account-terms-and-conditions/","language":"en","sections":[{"type":"DocumentDetailsSection","pdfUrl":"https://static.chase.co.uk/documents/assets/gb/en/chase-saver-account-terms-and-conditions-1.9.0.pdf","versionDetails":"PDF Version","id":"https://static.chase.co.uk/documents/assets/gb/en/chase-saver-account-terms-and-conditions-1.9.0.pdf"},{"type":"HTMLSection","html":"Effective from 8 October 2024
\r\nThese terms add to the General Account Terms and Conditions. If there's a conflict between any term in the General Account Terms and Conditions and one here, then the term here will apply.
\r\nYou can find a copy of these terms and the General Account Terms and Conditions in the app.
\r\n","id":"text"},{"type":"HTMLSection","html":"$5c","id":"text_1977324885"},{"type":"DocumentVersionsListSection","versionList":[{"label":"Version 1.0.0","url":"https://static.chase.co.uk/documents/assets/gb/en/chase-saver-account-terms-and-conditions-1.0.0.pdf"},{"label":"Version 1.1.0","url":"https://static.chase.co.uk/documents/assets/gb/en/chase-saver-account-terms-and-conditions-1.1.0.pdf"},{"label":"Version 1.2.0","url":"https://static.chase.co.uk/documents/assets/gb/en/chase-saver-account-terms-and-conditions-1.2.0.pdf"},{"label":"Version 1.3.0","url":"https://static.chase.co.uk/documents/assets/gb/en/chase-saver-account-terms-and-conditions-1.3.0.pdf"},{"label":"Version 1.4.0","url":"https://static.chase.co.uk/documents/assets/gb/en/chase-saver-account-terms-and-conditions-1.4.0.pdf"},{"label":"Version 1.5.0","url":"https://static.chase.co.uk/documents/assets/gb/en/chase-saver-account-terms-and-conditions-1.5.0.pdf"},{"label":"Version 1.6.0","url":"https://static.chase.co.uk/documents/assets/gb/en/chase-saver-account-terms-and-conditions-1.6.0.pdf"},{"label":"Version 1.7.0","url":"https://static.chase.co.uk/documents/assets/gb/en/chase-saver-account-terms-and-conditions-1.7.0.pdf"},{"label":"Version 1.8.0","url":"https://static.chase.co.uk/documents/assets/gb/en/chase-saver-account-terms-and-conditions-1.8.0.pdf"}],"documentPreviousLabel":"Previous version","id":"https://static.chase.co.uk/documents/assets/gb/en/chase-saver-account-terms-and-conditions-1.0.0.pdf"}]},{"title":"Information About Current Account Services","slug":"information-about-current-account-services/","language":"en","sections":[{"type":"HTMLSection","html":"The Financial Conduct Authority requires us to publish the following information about our personal current accounts:
\r\n","id":"text"},{"type":"TableSection","tableData":{"data":[[[],"24 hour help","Telephone","Internet banking","Mobile banking"],["Contact details",[],["$","$L49",null,{"href":"tel:08003763333","sectionLabel":"BodyText","trackingActionLabel":"0800 376 3333","children":["0800 376 3333",["$","svg",null,{"width":"24","viewBox":"0 0 24 24","aria-hidden":true,"className":"tw-hidden tw-w-[1.4em] tw-align-text-bottom group-[&[href^=http]]/button:tw-inline group-[&[target=\\_blank]]/button:tw-inline","children":["$undefined",["$","use",null,{"href":"#SVG_ExternalLink"}]]}]],"className":"tw-transition-colors tw-inline tw-p-0 tw-m-0 tw-border-0 tw-text-link tw-underline-offset-4 tw-underline active:tw-text-blue10 hover:tw-text-blue30 focus-visible:tw-ring-offset-1 focus-visible:tw-outline-none focus-visible:tw-ring-2 focus-visible:tw-ring-focusRing tw-decoration-current hover:tw-decoration-transparent tw-group/button","tabIndex":0,"disabled":"$undefined","data-variant":"link","target":"$undefined","role":"link"}],["$","$L49",null,{"href":"http://chase.co.uk/","sectionLabel":"BodyText","trackingActionLabel":"chase.co.uk","children":["chase.co.uk",["$","svg",null,{"width":"24","viewBox":"0 0 24 24","aria-hidden":true,"className":"tw-hidden tw-w-[1.4em] tw-align-text-bottom group-[&[href^=http]]/button:tw-inline group-[&[target=\\_blank]]/button:tw-inline","children":["$undefined",["$","use",null,{"href":"#SVG_ExternalLink"}]]}]],"className":"tw-transition-colors tw-inline tw-p-0 tw-m-0 tw-border-0 tw-text-link tw-underline-offset-4 tw-underline active:tw-text-blue10 hover:tw-text-blue30 focus-visible:tw-ring-offset-1 focus-visible:tw-outline-none focus-visible:tw-ring-2 focus-visible:tw-ring-focusRing tw-decoration-current hover:tw-decoration-transparent tw-group/button","tabIndex":0,"disabled":"$undefined","data-variant":"link","target":"$undefined","role":"link"}],"In-app chat"],["Checking the balance and accessing a transaction history","Yes","Yes - 24 hours","No","Yes - 24 hours"],["Sending money within the UK, including setting up a standing order","Yes","Yes - 24 hours","No","Yes - 24 hours"],["Sending money outside the UK","No - N/A","No - N/A","No","No - N/A"],["Paying in a cheque","No - N/A","No - N/A","No","No - N/A"],["Cancelling a cheque","No - N/A","No - N/A","No","No - N/A"],["Cash withdrawal in a foreign currency outside the UK","Yes","Yes - 24 hours","No","Yes - 24 hours"],["A lack of funds: including unarranged overdrafts, payments we allow despite lack of funds and payments we refuse due to lack of funds","Yes","Yes - 24 hours","No","Yes - 24 hours"],["A direct debit, or allowing someone to collect one or more payments from your account using your debit card number ","Yes","Yes - 24 hours","No","Yes - 24 hours"],["Third party access to an account, for example under a power of attorney","No","Yes - 8am to 8pm","No","Yes - 8am to 8pm"],["Problems using internet banking or mobile banking","Yes","Yes - 24 hours","No","Yes - 24 hours"],["Reporting a suspected fraudulent incident or transaction","Yes","Yes - 24 hours","No","Yes - 24 hours"],["Progress following an account suspension or card cancellation, e.g. following a fraud incident","No","Yes - 8am to 8pm","No","Yes - 24 hours"],["Account opening: including eligibility for an arranged overdraft, what is required to open an account and an indication of what arranged overdraft may be available","Yes","Yes - 24 hours","No","Yes - 24 hours"]],"hasColumnHeader":true,"title":"How and when you can contact us to ask about the following things:","hasRowHeader":true,"footer":[["$","b","0",{"children":"Note:"}],"This is a list of common actions. It does not represent the full list of queries you can raise in relation to your account."]},"id":"text_204756714"},{"type":"TableSection","tableData":{"data":[[[],"Telephone","Internet banking","Mobile banking"],["Checking the balance","Yes - 24 hours","No","Yes - 24 hours"],["Accessing a transaction history","Yes - 24 hours","No","Yes - 24 hours"],["Sending money within the UK","Yes - 8am to 8pm","No","Yes - 24 hours"],["Setting up a standing order","Yes - 8am to 8pm","No","Yes - 24 hours"],["Sending money outside the UK","No - N/A","No","No - N/A"],["Paying in a cheque","No - N/A","No","No - N/A"],["Cancelling a cheque","No - N/A","No","No - N/A"]],"hasColumnHeader":true,"title":"How and when you can use your bank account to do the following things:","hasRowHeader":true,"footer":[["$","b","0",{"children":"Note:"}],"This is a list of common actions. It does not represent the full list of queries you can raise in relation to your account."]},"id":"text_336272136"},{"type":"TableSection","tableData":{"data":[[[],"In the 3 months between 1 April 2024 to 30 June 2024 ","In the 12 months between 1 July 2023 and 30 June 2024"],["Total number of incidents reported ","2","8"],["Incidents affecting telephone banking","0","0"],["Incidents affecting mobile banking","2","8"],["Incidents affecting internet banking","0","0"]],"hasColumnHeader":true,"title":"Information about operational and security incidents","description":"We are obliged to notify the Financial Conduct Authority if we become aware of a major operational or security incident which prevents our customers from using our payment services.","hasRowHeader":true},"id":"text_868728584"},{"type":"HTMLSection","html":"Financial Conduct Authority rules require us to provide them with a report of our complaints data every six months. In certain circumstances, we are also required to publish a summary of our complaints data.
The most recent summary is available at https://www.jpmorgan.com/disclosures/POC_Required_Data.
\r\nThe Financial Ombudsman Service publishes its complaints data every six months. You can see their complaints data about us at http://www.ombudsman-complaints-data.org.uk/
\r\n","id":"text_1230095802"},{"type":"HTMLSection","html":"Go to 'How to open a current account' section below to find out how you can open an account, and what information and documents you need to give us to open an account.
\r\n","id":"text_2028612240"},{"type":"HTMLSection","html":"We give customers an account number and enable them to start paying into the account:
\r\nThese figures are based on the time taken from our receiving all the information and documents we ask for in 'How to open a current account' section below, in a case where we don’t need any further information or documents to open the account.
\r\n","id":"text_453079913"},{"type":"HTMLSection","html":"Once an account is open, we give customers a debit card:
\r\nCustomers can immediately use card details from the app to make purchases online and can add details to a digital wallet to shop in-store.
\r\n","id":"text_1822021077"},{"type":"HTMLSection","html":"Once an account is open, customers have internet banking:
\r\nWe replace debit cards:
\r\nCustomers can immediately use card details from the app to make purchases online and can add details to a digital wallet to shop in-store.
\r\n","id":"text_421421192"},{"type":"HTMLSection","html":"To open a current account, a new customer will need a smartphone and to provide us with a picture of valid photo ID (passport, UK driving licence, or EU national identity card) and a selfie. We'll also need information such as a customer's home address, verified email address, citizenship/tax residency and details of employment status, income and expenditure. We may request additional information or documents in individual cases.
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\r\nUs- Chase, a trading name of J.P. Morgan Europe Limited, so whenever you see ‘Chase’ or ‘we’, you know who we’re referring to.
\r\n","id":"highlightedtext_copy"},{"type":"HTMLSection","html":"$5e","id":"text"}]},{"title":"Nutmeg - Avios and Investment Boost Transfer Offer - 2023","slug":"nutmeg-avios-investment-boost-offer-terms-and-conditions/","language":"en","sections":[{"type":"DocumentDetailsSection","pdfUrl":"https://static.chase.co.uk/documents/assets/gb/en/nutmeg-avios-investment-boost-offer-terms-and-conditions-1.0.0.pdf","versionDetails":"PDF Version","id":"https://static.chase.co.uk/documents/assets/gb/en/nutmeg-avios-investment-boost-offer-terms-and-conditions-1.0.0.pdf"},{"type":"HTMLSection","html":"$5f","id":"text"}]},{"title":"Everyday Cashback Terms and Conditions","slug":"everyday-cashback-terms-and-conditions/","language":"en","sections":[{"type":"DocumentDetailsSection","pdfUrl":"https://static.e2e.chase.co.uk/documents/assets/gb/en/everyday-cashback-terms-and-conditions-1.0.0.pdf","versionDetails":"PDF Version","id":"https://static.e2e.chase.co.uk/documents/assets/gb/en/everyday-cashback-terms-and-conditions-1.0.0.pdf"},{"type":"CalloutSection","html":"You: A Chase customer.
\r\nUs: Chase, a trading name of J.P. Morgan Europe Limited, so whenever you see ‘Chase’ or ‘we’, you know who we’re referring to.
\r\n","id":"highlightedtext_copy"},{"type":"HTMLSection","html":"Everyday Cashback is a benefit we offer to existing Chase UK customers whose existing cashback offer has come to an end. We’ll email you to let you know if you become eligible for this offer.
\r\nIf you deposit at least £1,500 into any of your Chase current or saver account(s) in a month, we’ll pay you 1% cashback in the following month when you use your debit card to pay for everyday goods and services such as buying your weekly food shopping or buying a train ticket.
\r\nEligible payments will count towards your monthly deposit. Examples of these payments include:
\r\nTransfers between your own Chase accounts or any refunds to your card won’t count.
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J.P. Morgan Europe Limited is authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and the Prudential Regulation Authority. Our Financial Services Register number is 124579. Registered in England & Wales with company number 938937. Our registered office is 25 Bank Street, Canary Wharf, London, E14 5JP, United Kingdom.
Nutmeg Saving and Investment Limited is authorised and regulated by the FCA in relation to certain investment services and restricted advice only. Chase is a trading name of J.P. Morgan Europe Limited. Nutmeg and J.P. Morgan Europe Limited are J.P. Morgan companies. Products provided by Nutmeg are not guaranteed by Chase.
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